
Why Do Republicans Feel That Their Party is So Great for Security?

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We all know that some 12 to 20 million people have easily passed through our Southern border. Any terrorist could easily come across the Northern border. Recently, passports are necessary to cross from Canada, but there are miles of river and fields with no one watching. Anyone could cross with ease.

Our ports are not guarded. The huge amount of produce, packed in crates, is simply spot-checked. Port security is not in American hands, but farmed out to foreigners. Airplane security is not all that great, with a No Fly List peppered with names of the dead and names of the innocent. The cargo hold of planes is just spot-checked, with no careful scrutiny. And it has been proven that just about anyone can get access to the tarmacs and inner regions of airports.

Since this is true, why are Republicans so assured that only their leaders are capable of providing security? It seems to me that a high-schooler could do a better job, with less confusion. Explain, please!




  1. Do you know how many millions of $$$ it would take to try to put security along your north and south border to secure it to a state where people cant do that?

  2. I guess because our bankrupt treasury, failing economy/infrastructure and overextended military that leaves us open to any threat OVER HERE in combination with huge  deficit is supposed to make us feel more secure.

    The truth is, we are more unsecure now than we've been in modern times.

  3. The only thing stopping Republicans from having control of security in America are Liberals ! Republicans are real Americans that care about America ! Liberal Democrat's worry about Terrorist and criminal rights! IE Democrat ACLU. pays for defense attorneys for child molesters! And the Democrat controlled Congress is dismantling Bush policies on keeping us safe from terrorist.Opening the door for America to be attacked relentlessly making the democrat's supporters of terrorism ! Find a policy put in place to protect America by Republicans IE Patriot act and you will find Liberal Democrats removing it .So you tell me who is better at protecting are country !Under Bush NOT ONE TERRORIST ATTACK out of hundreds of attempts! Bin Laden admitted he planed 911 under the Clinton administration ! Under Liberal leader ship are country will be destroyed! Liberals are Americas Cancer with in!!!!

  4. Explain please the error riden diatribe you have written.

    You're just not in touch with reality when you claim anyone can get on a tarmac.

    You need to provide documentation or your words are just a hollow rant.

    You rant!

    If I didn't believe in the freedom of speech I would report this c**p.

  5. I'll let Obama explain it to you.

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