
Why Do Russia and China hate Japan?

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I know 1 reason that russia stole islands but i want to know more between the feud of communist countries and Japan apart from WW2 reasons any other




  1. Because the Japanese rolled through China Making the SS look like the Care Bears. They created dozens of camps the specialized in war crimes from bilogical experiments, vivisections with no anesthetics, rape and torture. They murdered 300,000+ ( and when I say plus, some estimations go into the millions) people in Nanjing and many more around China during their occupation. They were brutal, executed civillians arbitrarily including woman, children and infants. Unlike the Germans who had the nasty n***s and SS to blame, Japan only had themselves. They never made a sincere apology. Apologists like to argue that "all countries have done stuff like that" but really, I challenge them to support that without poorly photocopied Japanese Nationalist propoganda as their proof (seriously, they hand it out at the war joke). Even today, go to a Japanese message board and see similar questions as the OP's being raised. Look at the responses. "because they are jealous", "because the Chinese are arrogant" etc etc.People today are still making up excuses. Just imagine if every grandfather and grandmother witnessed SOMEBODY getting murdered in your country by a soldier, just think of the negative influence that has on the newer generation in China. Really, you can't blame them. You simply can't. Certain things simply "don't go away" over 60 years. I know it sucks to be Japanese and be born into that stigma that you did not create. But it is there.

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