
Why Do So Many Conservatives Attack Us Practicing Christians? ?

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We try to do the right thing based on the word of Christ, like wanting to help take care of the hungry child, the poor and those too poor to afford to go to a doctor. By practicing true Christianity they claim we’re Commies.

We want to ensure that the elderly on fixed income can afford to buy medicine. By being true Christians they call us Socialists.

We want to get funding back into orphanages and foster care, funding taken away by conservatives, and they call us practicing Christians un-patriotic.

We want to believe that all people should receive an education and for this basic Christian principle they call us Marxist.

Because we believe honest and fair work should be rewarded, but not overwhelming greed, price gouging and shipping jobs overseas, they call us practicing Christians anti-American.

I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Liberal. I’m just a practicing Christian. So why is practicing my Christian beliefs considered un-American by so many conservatives?




  1. WHAT?!?! dude did you take a severe hit to that head somtime within the last 10 minutes, do you want me to call a doctor, cause your speaking nonsense my friend

  2. I don't know what you are talking about.  If you are talking about forced government charity (welfare and such) that is not what Jesus wanted.  He wanted it to be charitable (given freely)

    If you want to donate your  own money to a food bank or senior care organization, that is your right, and the christian thing to do.  To have the government do it for you and for me not to have a choice, is not christian (that is government control, non christian)

  3. Thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbor. Jesus said "Suffer the little ones to come unto me". In Psalms I beleive it is that God says" I knew you before you were formed in your mothers womb. It goes on to explain how God said he knew the number of our days. I am presuming you support abortion by your lack of saying anything about it. Psalm 120:2

    Save me, O Lord, from lying lips and deceitful tongues

    You premise is not valid. Conservatives give more and do more than Liberals. It's the Liberals that have been doing all they can to take God from the public square to push their agenda on the rest of us.

    Try this one. The Salvation Army.

    Oh goodness, a thumbs down. I must have struck a non Christian nerve

  4. Because you're primitive sun worshipping chimps.

  5. True Christians shun socialism.

  6. These are people who wield their religion like a weapon.  I don't believe in a religion personally as most posters on this board know.  

    But forgiveness, charity, kindness, not allowing money changers in your church and respect for others are lost concepts to most people who call themselves conservative Christians.  It's a shame too.  Christianity as a philosophy has such great potential.  It's really too bad so many people focus on dogma instead of the overall philosophy. Which I think, was Christ's message and intent.

  7. Really, you think conservatives attack practicing Christians?  How?  When?  Your premise is so flawed it is impossible to answer the question properly so I will say many conservative don't..

  8. Because like the Pharisees in the BIble, they are hypocrites.

    Go and do the Jesus' deeds. That will save you, not the self-righteous hatred of the conservatives.

  9. lifes not fair

    get over it

    you fight fire with fire

    otherwise you get hoodwinked

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