
Why Do So Many Here Overlook The 'Baby Killing' Republicans?

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The real reason why Roe v. Wade has never been overturned is because enough Republicans also support a woman’s right to her own body. And without a majority it will never be overturned.

And yet, the Democrat haters in YA never seem to mention this fact when claiming it’s the Democrats who are the baby killers. Why do they always fail to mention their own, like McCain and good ol’ Arnold, who are supporters of women’s rights?

Can’t they come up with a more valid reason than this tired old lie?




  1. i am proud to say im a republican...and i also believe in a womans right to choose...i also believe that late term abortions should be illegal..there is a carry a baby past the third pretty much settled in for the long haul..and no child born should be left to breathes air its let it die you just murdered someone

  2. Well, that's kind of fallacious reasoning. Though there are some pro-choice Republicans, there are also some pro-life Democrats.

    I'd like to think the real reason Roe v. Wade will never be overturned is that Americans are smarter than to make an extremely medically stupid law because they obviously think women are not smart enough to decide whether or not they're capable of raising a child. Also, where are the men? Why are we not thrown in jail for not using condoms? Do we have no responsibility?

    A better question, I would say, is why Republicans have such horrible voting records on laws to allocate more resources to prenatal health care, children's health care, and education. They think fetuses all want to be born into their poor, abusive homes, and they don't really care about the kid's quality of life after it's out of the uterus. Secondly, Republicans really are not attuned to human suffering because if they were, they would not be such war supporters, which causes infinitely more suffering than essentially putting to sleep a fetus that doesn't even know it's alive.

  3. We haven't overlooked them...we rejected them and sent those moronic  rejects  to the democrapic party.

  4. get out of the US you dirtbag.

  5. you are so smart and here i am for the last 20 years it took a majority opinion in the supreme court to overturn roev. wade i guess you got that one over me, shucks and here i thought I was so smart but looky here, you showed us all

  6. The objection to Obama's stand on abortion, is his support of late-term abortions, and supports a supposed aborted baby who happened to survive able to breathe on it's own outside the mother's womb, a birth - - denied medical care and allowed to die.  He voted against the Baby Alive Act. Look it up. That's just cold-blooded murder.

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