
Why Do So Many People Not Like America?

by Guest64761  |  earlier

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I understand that we may have done bad things in the past and may be doing bad things now but we're trying. And I never specifically did anything wrong that affected billions of people or people in other countries, to my knowledge and I assume none of my friends have either. I see a lot of times on the internet that really a whole lot of people don't like America but I don't really understand why. Do you know why? And please don't go into a hurtful rant, calmly state the sincere truth without attacking me or any of the other posters. Thank you.




  1. Don't believe that c**p.  It's not true.  It's liberal lies , they control the MSM. The ones that do hate are jealous.

  2. In looking for some source a piece written by Thomas Friedman of the NY Times came up.  I have NEVER ever ever agreed with this man on anything.  However, his piece addresses the point to make -

    "So, yes, we’re not so popular in Europe and Asia anymore. I guess they would prefer a world in which America was weaker, where leaders with the values of Vladimir Putin and Thabo Mbeki had a greater say, and where the desperate voices for change in Zimbabwe would, well, just shut up. "

    America has a backbone and our stance on noble causes go against the grain of many living in other countries with different cultural backgrounds.  We should not always be looking over our shoulder testing the winds of popularity.  Know what we stand for and regardless of what other countries say or do, we should stick to our principles.

  3. I,m assuming you mean the 'world' in general

    On the nets you get your little ppl who have no voice otherwise so just ignore them

    [do I sense a thumbs down already-haven't even posted ]

    Most of the world knows, even Russia, that they are where they are because of us and they know history and we never kept what we liberated.

    When confronted overseas an american gets 'Oh we like ju but jour governenmet is bad.'

    Ask an Iraq war vet how the citizens treated them--at least the ones with out an agenda.

    We are easy to attack by the euro's cause they're 50+ years removed from history and don't understand why their not more like us.

    What if Hitler had stopped at the english channel and said "I Win"

    In short-why does 5% of the earths pop. use 30% of its resources?

    Because we earned it.

    Why do you think were the worlds policeman---who else ya gonna call

  4. Don't worry about it.  It's acceptable bigotry and a very trendy thing to do.  It's propaganda and does effect the world.  These idiotic Westerners, like the Euros and Commonwealths, are hurting  themselves by doing it.  But they're idiots.  It's fed to them from their media and it's so indoctrinated in their socities that they teach it their young people.  Look at all the young Brits going around spewing bigotry.  I lived in Europe.  It's pathetic and immature.  Seriously, don't let the immature haters effect you personally.  Just call them on it whenever you see it.

  5. Most who hate America do so out of ignorance and envy. The world media always does a good job of trashing America.

  6. Americans are a bunch of control freaks.

  7. No one dislikes America despite what others with a persecution complex will tell you.

    What other nations do have an issue with is the current administration and it's attitude towards them. Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to agree on everything, but recently whenever there is a criticism or disagreement with the the US however minor, usually in regards to it's foreign policy, whomever is being critical is instantly demonised with cries of "friends of terrorists" etc etc. This was summed up perfectly by GWB with his blanket statement of "You're either with us or against us".

    No one really dislikes Americans either - aside from the loud,arrogant, blowhard of the type that only the US seems to produce; but fortunately they rarely leave their own state let alone the country - and since it is only a minority of Americans who actually travel to different countries, those in the places visited are likely to engage them in conversation as it is rare to meet someone from the US. But sadly those in the US government have done such an excellent job in whipping up fear and mistrust of anyone outside of America that this had led to "anti-Americanism" being seen in every comment, every action, every political stance taken by those on other continents.

  8. Deep down, they all love us. There are two types of people, Americans, and those who wish they were.

  9. who cares if they don't like us, doesn't bother me one bit

  10. Arrogance.

  11. Because we elected a moron and a thug for President and Vice President in 2000

  12. Ridge93 is right , a moron and a thug . Unfortunately that doesn't mean Paris Hilton and 50 Cent , it means Bush and Cheney . The old f**t shot his best friend ! When this administration ends , America's reputation will be restored . We should obviously elect Obama because as I recall McCain wasn't the one who went to Berlin and received nothing but admiration and respect .

  13. Not many people, just Liberals

  14. weak foreign policy /diplomacy , ignoring 100% other country's opinions , my opinion Irak invasion and the fake story of WMD was the greatest reason

  15. Kinda like LSU football.  When you are the best, people hate you.  Jealousy.

  16. i think the real reason goes back a long way, before America existed.

    the growth of Florence in Italy from the 1300s, meant the main groups started sticking together - the lawyers, the wool, silk & cloth merchants, the bankers, the masons, the tanners (leather), etc. the bankers had to creep very slowly up the prestige ladder because the vatican thought they were a bunch of ungodly money-grabbers. however, the more people got into debt, the more powerful they became. when i say 'they' i mean these families who passed on the family business through generations & generations, marrying into other reputable families & accumulating a wide circle of prestigious contacts. that was the 1400s so can you imagine how much debt exists today & how powerful they are now.

    there are about 300 hundred of these bloodlines now including the Russells (drug industry) the Rockefellers (media/universities), the Rothschilds  - the name came from the German 'red schield' which was the red Seal of Solomon/the Star of David they used on documents in those days. in 1836 Zevi Hirsch Kalischer approached Rothschild & proposed that Rothschild buy all of Erez, Israel - but it took years for them to finally create the nation which now uses the Rothschild's coat-of-arms as its flag. it's also one of the most unpopular countries of the world funded by the US taxpayer.

    i believe certain factions of these families decided long ago to team up & use the US as a political boot and it is they who have made America unpopular as all their actions have been done under the American flag. the unjust use of the military for their monetary gain has caused anguish across the world but has made them trillions. a bit of research shows how much these families are in politics, the media & land/property ownership not just in the US but the UK & Europe as well.

  17. The media in the US makes it seem like America is hated by everyone but it isn't true.  While a lot of countries disagree with America and think that our "go-at-alone" attititude is misguided and egotistical at times, "hate" isn't the correct word.

    That's like saying Republicans "hate" Democrats.  Yes, but not in the real meaning of the word "hate".  They just totally disagree.

    Of course, there's plenty of people that genuinely hate us (ie. Al-Qaeda, etc) but it's not as widespread as the media makes it out to be.

  18. The answer is simple: ever since the cold war, Russia and China have been doing what they do best:  spreading Socialist propaganda against the USA and buying US diplomats.

  19. As a British Citizen. I would say the reason why alot of the world dislikes or evens hates America is because they seem to believe that they are the Police force that polices the world and whenever there is trouble in another country. America steps in but only if there is something it can steal such as oil. As for the UK we are no better we are just a smaller version of the USA. I don't hate Americans but I don't understand their leaders when they seek war and destruction and then call it Peace. How can they tell Russia not to wage war when they marched into Iraq and have now got their Eagle eyes on Iran.

  20. You need only to look at our policies toward other countries to answer this question.

    Watch the CBC and the BBC and Aljazeera(sp?) and try to read more news sources than the mainstream corporate media.

    Most people here only get the "America is the greatest" propaganda and are not encouraged to think for themselves. I, myself, love the fact that we bully other countries into accepting our food and commodities to the detriment of their own local farmers and factories in exchange for some money or military protection. I like that we are the bully of the world. I'm not naieve to think that we are only altruistic and all good though.

    I'm not stupid enough to believe that no one will try to fight back.

  21. Most people like  America, except for the fact that a right wing Cabal has hijacked the US government and is using American forces, lives and money to act as a private army against the enemies of Israel.

  22. because America is a two headed animal. One head talks about defending peace and freedom, and talks about how just its actions are.

    ...the other head gobbles up countries who have resources that it thinks it needs to survive.

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