
Why Do Some Pregnant Women Rub their pregnancy all over the place?

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I know I might be sensitive, I had a miscarriage and have not been able to conceive since. It just seems like all these teenage girls are getting pregnant and flaunting it all over the place...and its accepted. My husband and I have been trying so hard to conceive, and we feel like we would be great parents. It just hurts to see some people rubbing it in. But some just take it too far (updating their facebook/myspace status every 6 seconds, for example: I just threw up! My poor little baby bump). Its just really annoying!




  1. i'm really sorry you are having difficulties. i agree i'm also disturbed that teen pregnancy is so accepted. as for you being irked by people who flaunt pregnancy; just think about how excited you will be when you become successfully pregnant, you will likely want to shout from the roof-tops. no offense but i think you are jealous (and who wouldn't be). being upset by that won't make you feel any better. just let it go and hopefully you'll be able to have a child soon.

    good luck and all the best

  2. dont be sad

  3. I see what talking about this girl at my school was pregnant. She made sure the whole school knew the second she found out it seemed like. It is annoying. I guess you just have to try to ignore it I don't know.

  4. Take a look at this post. First off the the poster is a 13 year old girl who's pregnant and a lot of the answers are of other teen girls who are either pregnant or have already had kid. One user claims she's 17 years old and already has 3 kids--she also plans to marry the father sometime next year.

    I feel sorry for women, (and potential parents in general) like you who seem mature and responsible enough to have a kid yet unfortunately you cannot due to something that's out of your control. And then you got all these immature teenage sl*ts who can't keep their legs closed and decide to have th baby simply because "it's cute". They don't look beyond the pregnancy. They don't think about waking up at 2 a.m. to a crying, hungry baby, and sadly they end up regretting their decision and put the baby up for adoption then continue to live their lives as teenagers. Sad and pathetic.;...

  5. It's just the novelty of it for them, and it probably makes them feel all grown up.  If they actually *were* grown up, it would worry them more (the added responsibility and so on).  Yes, I wish teenage mothers were as stigmatized as they used to be ....

  6. Sometime they really be tripping with a baby out of wedlock. I would be too embarassed. On the other hand that -pregnacy takes over and dominate your entire being- more so than you could imagine.

    I know how you feel - I promise. When me and my girlfriend first got pregnant - we was running and riding the rollercoasters trying miscarriage. And on the hand we had the babies and were very happy.

    But I can't stand people hollering " if I do this and if I do that I might loose my baby". Once before I knew it I went off on my sister saying stuff like that. I had a problem trying to get pregnant. Email me.

  7. It really does seem that way sometimes doesn't it.

    I guess they are so delighted and excited they can't keep all that 'wow, how great' stuff to themselves.

    And, very likely they are young or inexperienced and not really thinking of the impact their behaviour might be having on those who have faced difficulties around pregnancy.

    Also, it's very possible this is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to them, maybe the only really good thing in their lives.

    I can truly appreciate how tough this must be for you, but there is not much you can do except know that these silly young things will grow up and may themselves face hard times ~ perhaps they should have their fun and excitement while they can.

    For you and your husband, I have included a couple of great links below, which you may like to check out when you have some time.

    The people at the links have had similar experiences to your own, and can offer support and practical advice.

    Every best wish to you and your husband :-)

  8. It does seem really unfair and sad when teenagers that have neither the responsibility or the maturity to raise a child get themselves pregnant, sometimes even multiple times and a married couple that really wants a child find it very difficult.  I never really got that at all.  I understand what you mean.  It is irritating sometimes if people really overdo it.  I've seen it.  There's not much we can do about it though.  Hang in there and I wish all the best for you.

  9. Sometimes you can try too hard to conceive ... the biggest reason for non conception is stress. As long as you eat healthily, don't smoke and take prenatal vitamins (Pregnacare Conception are good) you will be pregnant in no time.

  10. It's just a natural way to bond with the baby.

    I have also heard some women say they rub their bellies so that people will know they are not just fat, but pregnant.

    But yeah..some do it for attention. But can you blame them? They are overjoyed and extremely proud, when I think a she's doing it for attn (she looks around for a reaction) I will humor her and ask her when she's due or tell her she's glowing.

    I am sorry to hear about your problems TTC. Best of luck to you!!

  11. Laura, I am so sorry for what you have been through.  I know the pain of miscarriage as well as that of still birth.  I can understand how seeing others pregnant and going on about it would be very, very hard.

    Try not to take it so personally.  I know this is hard to do because I did myself.  They are not rubbing it your face, they really do not know what you have been through or are going through.

    Some of us do though, and remember that we do know how much you are hurting.

  12. they're young and think it's "cute". i'm on your side on this.... i really wish you and your husband the best of luck. just be patient and enjoy the fun of "trying" to get pregnant ;-)

  13. Well, being pregnant is a big deal to them.  It's an exciting new experience.  People talk about what interests them.  I'm sure nobody intends to make you feel bad, although I can understand why it's hard for you.  Hopefully soon you too will have a chance to post on Facebook about your baby bump every 6 seconds if the mood strikes you.

  14. I know what you mean. I had a bad miscarriage years ago. when I finally did get pregnant, every day of pregnancy was a gift, I had NOTHING to complain about. feeling crappy was better than no baby. when my daughter was born, when she was 6 weeks old she stopped breathing and had to be given CPR and is now on a heart and lung monitor. I sit and wonder how all these teenage girls who don't even want their babies, or these crackheads who smoke and drink around their kids have healthy babies. and it doesn't seem fair, but that's life I guess.  

  15. Hello, I am sorry to hear of your troubles.  It really is a delicate issue but I think that you and your husband may be a little hypersensitive towards the entire topic.  People who conceive are excited and happy and it is their right to do so.  They are most likely not trying to rub it in anyone's face and many of them do not even know of the trouble that others may have conceiving.  I suggest to keep trying and possibly seek a social group that deals with this types of delicate issues where you can talk to others that are in your same situation.  This way you will be able to work your problems in a group rather than alone and you will realize you are not the only people with this exact problem.

    Good luck.

  16. Im sorry for your loss.

    At this age those girls can show off their "proof" of  getting laid by the captain of the football team.


  17. The anticipation of being a parent effects people different ways. Many choose to band together and celebrate the small things (see rather then worry about the unexpected.

    They don't do it to hurt you. I promise.

    Also you're so emotional all the time. I'm sure their husbands wish theys just stuff it as well. Mine did.  :)

  18. Unfortunately for you and I do really feel sorrow it is a truly wonderful thing to bring into this world a tiny baby and rightfully so these pregnant girls are proudly showing off it is their way of hiding their fears of the unknown future of the birth etc ~~

  19. Don't take it personally. They are excited, and maybe not every pregnant woman in the area knows that you had a miscarriage. I'm sure they aren't trying to hurt you. Honestly....from someone who's had two miscarriages herself....trying to be excited for them is good for you. Let the hurt feelings go.

    I'm sorry you guys are having trouble. That stinks. I wish you luck!!

  20. If they're "flaunting it" its probably because they have nothing else going on in their boring, insignificant little lives.  Getting knocked up is an accomplishment for them, maybe they're attention hogs, who knows and who cares anyway.  Mind your own business - a good rule to live by!

  21. be glad

  22. i so agree with you

    for those of us that want a baby or even another baby

    and for what ever reason cant have one

    it makes it very hard for us to go in pulic and not break down when a bump walks by no matter what age the girl/women is

    my 17 yr old cousin had a baby and i was no angry

    people that arent old enought are having kids

    and people that are and tried cant

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