
Why Do Some Women Remain Single?

by Guest63525  |  earlier

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all their lives and have no children?

In history they are called spinsters, or old maids or handmaidens.

Why do they exist and what purpose do they serve in society?

I am asking so someone can educate me on this?




  1. I can educate you: let people do want they want. To have children or not is a personal choice.

    So you suggest woman's only purpose in life is to reproduce?

    They exist because they like it that way.

    What a stupid question.

  2. The same reason men do as well.

    Bachelors often have no use for marriage, or are 'married' to their task.  They have no desire to be fathers or have kids.

    They just simply are.

  3. Why do some women remain single????? Probably because they have met some idiot like me....LOL......LOL......

  4. Why do men stay single?  Pretty much the same reasons.

    Not all women like or want to have children.

    They'd rather enjoy  a single life.

    Some want to achieve something in an often demanding career.

    They contribute to society the same way everyone else does- a single woman could be a doctor who saves lives, or she could volunteer at a soup kitchen every week.  

    Please come out of the 1800s.

  5. Because they choose to...

  6. And sometimes no one will take them...

  7. Hmm, same thing for men really. It is more normal to want companionship, I think. Not just talking about s*x, I mean someone to share things with. Plus, people who miss out on having kids probably don't know it but they really miss the best life has to offer. There may be many different reasons why people stay single. They may be too shy. They may be too selfish. They may be too ugly. They may have a bad image of themselves. They may be psychopaths or sociopaths. They may be too pessimistic. They may have remained adolescents forever. They may have had bad experiences and have become fearful. Etc. Personally, I'm always willing to give myself and others a chance. And I'm very happy that I have my son even though my ex-wife is quite selfish but he wouldn't exist without the two of us and my life would be more or less void without him!

  8. It used to be that it was socially unacceptable for women to get married and also financially difficult. The womans family used to provide the dowry for the family (land and money for the new family) and if a woman could not afford one, she would stay alone, while men simply need to work. Also if she was not the eldest sister, it might have been finicially impossible to get more than one daughter married and they would instead just go and work to support the family. Sometime they would live with their married siblings or stay alone.

    Women were also seen in western culture as child bearers, so if they cannot have children, they were far less likely to get and stay married.

    It is also often the women's role to wait for a male to propose or initiate a relationship so if that does not happen for whatever reason, she is left by herself, as she ages she becomes less desirable to men (the practical reason for that is that she is getting farther away from the suitable age to have children).

    In more modern days, women may choose to or just not feel like they connect with men in both a spiritual, romantic, and financial way.

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