
Why Do The Brits Show Allegience To A German (Monarch)?

by Guest61217  |  earlier

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Don't they have any fellow Brits they can grovel too?

It will be even worse when Prince Charles becomes King because he is half Greek!




  1. The German line of succession entered the British monarchy with the lesser House of Hannover, consisting of Georges I,II & III, William IV and Victoria, who married lesser German princesses.  VR married a lesser German prince, Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (now the Royal house of Belgium), and was succeeded by Edward VII, whose son George V changed the name in 1915 to Windsor.

    In 1871 with the inception of the german Empire, the two Houses actually became independently related, ie the two nations' royals.  After 1915 the break in the family never became undone and even to this day is there no British Royal with claim to the German Throne or the House of Hohenzollern, as it is now extinct.

    It is the same with Russia and the Romanovs.  The only actual Royal Families still related the that of the UK is Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, and all through intermarraige.

  2. You do realize you're encouraging people to dislike other people because of their ethnic background.  We call that racism.

    Charles was born and raised in England, as were his children and his siblings.  As was his mother.  As was her mother and father (George VI) and uncle (Edward VIII).  As was her grandfather (George V) and grandmother (Queen Mary) and Greatgrandfather (Edward VII) and great great grandmother (Victoria.)  Shall I continue?  Doesn't any of that count?

  3. AT least they are WHITE

  4. because we do get over it & get a life whats it to you   sort your country  out i gues yours is perfect,

    lets see if i can gues where you are from Mmm      america ?irish

    dont like the british much do you,?

  5. if you are a yank(which i guess you are)i would be very carefull whinging about different races,they dont call you lot hienz 57 for nothing,and by the way prince phillip is not greek as his family were danish /english as his family was offered the greek throne by the greeks themselves,

  6. For someone who testifies to going across the big pond to soak up the history you sure avoided most of it or forgot on the way home. The Brits have done such a lax job of guarding their culture that one day they will be ruled by Musslims and we again will have to save their limey butts.

  7. Queen Victoria was German.  How can someone say she wasn't??  Her mother was 100% German, her father also 100%.  Her father's family ONLY married German royalty, and they were German themselves, coming to Great Britain from Hannover in the 18th century after the last Stuart monarch died.  

    Only one of her children married a non-German.  All the rest married Germans or persons of mixed-German descent.

  8. everyone has freedom of choice here, so if one chooses to marry a different nationality one can, this also applies to the monarch. you wouldn't understand anyway with only a few pages of history to go at.

  9. My Husband and I look down on you serfs, we are superior to everyone and deserve every penny that you contribute towards our ridiculous and lavish life style. God bless us and may he keep us where we belong.

    Guden natch minna miniums

  10. i think they have forgotten that the Winsor were ever the Sax-Coburg-Gothas. It was Victoria's husband Albert that was German!

  11. In case you didn't know it the royals of Europe have intermarried and produced children for centuries. Also the population of Europe has become a real mix of races so your comments are totally pointless. Also we do not grovel to anybody but we do have respect for people, of what ever race, which is a lot more than you actually do. I notice that you do not indicate your own nationality which is also probably of very mixed origin.

  12. Sorry you are an ignorant idiot! By using the yahoo for dummie questions, you could have researched and found the answer. Actually, yes indeed Prince Phillip is from German background and also Danish background. However, during WWII he gave up that right to be German to become British, and he wanted to become married to Queen Elisabeth II. And as a matter of factly he wanted to serve in the British Military, which he successfully did as an Admiral of the Navy.

    What background Prince Charles comes does not matter, he is and will be British as it is his birth right.

    So whats your problem with that?

  13. The reason the Brits show allegience to foreigners is that most of them are too uneducated to realise that they are doing this.

    They are indoctrinated with the story of how our monarchy is a 'force of stability in a changing world' by the establishment, but it is all a lie.

    Remember, the name Windsor is not their real name. They discarded that during the 1st World War when the UK population was very anti-German.

    I believe that one day us Brits will be able to rule our own country but unfortunately this German/Greek family are still very popular with the uneducated masses.

  14. It doesn't matter what nationality the monarchy are so long as they do a good job of running the country. However, that doesn't apply much any longer.

    To barney, Muslim terrorists attacked you first. And Britian (and a few other countries) made America so the US should be honoured to help the British.

    Besides, the US didn't have to help, but after they found out about the telegram to Mexico in WW1, they wanted to join in, they weren't forced in any way. In WW2, it was since Pearl Harbour was destroyed, and the US asked the UK to help in the Iraq war and we did even though we didn't have to.

  15. We are a mongrel nation - like most on earth.  Show me  pure-bred Englishman and I'll show you a two-speed walking stick.

    It obviously means more to you than it does to us so what does that say about you?  Of course there is something absurd about having a royal family but, when I look at what some countries do by way of electing an alternative, suddenly the royals don't seem such a bad idea in the context of a parliamentary democracy.

  16. all royals should be evicted from their palace and given a shovel to clear s**+'t up with...

  17. Its just a tradition

    The royal family doesn't lead anyone at all

    and in the modern multicultural Britain, a slight German or Greek heritage does not matter an iota. In this country we have grown up above such petty things like worrying if someone is pure British.

    wherever you are from ( probably America ) could do with learning that too.

  18. I am a Brit and I show no allegience to any monarch.

  19. What's the problem? The Queen and the Royal family are a big tradition in the UK, hence all the oversees visitors to London - mainly American!

    You see, here in the UK, nationality isn't really a problem as we are grown up enough to embrace different people of different cultures. A lot of great footballers in the premier league are foreign.

    Also, as I am sure you are aware, Europe has a vast history that spans many centuries - a lot longer than say, America. A lot of Britons are part European due to immigration and emigration to and from the UK to other parts of Europe.

    In America, the American president has to be American. We are not so fickle. We say the best person for the job, irrelevant of nationality. Perhaps if the Yanks adopted this attitude, they may have someone that can actually run the country effectively.

  20. 90 percent of true brits are by default either irish or german,  or pakistani cept for the welsh, .  theres more whale blubber than wales in that prince of inbred knackwurst munching trogladites.

  21. yeah, its a ridiculous situation isn't it?  Lets just abolish the monarchy and have done with it all

  22. Prince Charles isn't half-Greek! Get your facts straight,even if you just want to rant(which is against the guidelines of Answers,anyway).Philip,who happens to be a third cousin to his wife,is mostly DANISH,and German.His family agreed to take on the Greek throne,after some arm-twisting by fellow European Royalty.

    Queen Elizabeth,The Queen Mother,was SCOTTISH.

    William's mother Diana,was English.

    The Royal Family gave up any allegiance to Germany when they took the reign of the UK. Queen Victoria,who was quite proud of her German ancestry,considered herself British;and when her family squabbled over one's government in Germany(Vickie's) trying to swallow up another's Danish one(Queen Alexandra's),Victoria coldly looked at her daughter and daughter-in-law,and told them not to forget that they were British princesses.

    When I think of the UK,I think of a place that is proud of it's history,a land of castles,Shakespeare,and the monarchy.The late King of Saudi Arabia once said that one day,the only place to see kings would be in a pack of cards and the United Kingdom,commenting upon how the monarchy in Britain was adaptable and wise to make changes so that it survived.

    I'm from a republic that spends a great deal more on its government than the monarchy costs the UK.Be careful  for what you wish for,you might get Bush!

  23. Hey?

    Please explain?

    (Forgive my ignorance- I'm Australian.)


    Edit  Is this because they are descended from Queen Vic, who was German.

    If so, isn't all European royalty interbred anyway?

    Can't be @rsed googling it!

  24. Queen Victoria was NOT German (to a fool answerer above) - her husband Albert was!

    I dont give two hoots for the pampered royals so they do not have my allegiance.

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