
Why Do The Police Sometimes Ask This Question At Traffic Stops?

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I was just curious. But after stopping a person for a driving offense, why do the police sometimes ask the driver when is the last time he or she received a ticket?

I was just wondering that since the police can look up the person's driving record in that state. Are the police trying to determine whether the driver is lying or drunk or high or unfit to drive based on the answer?




  1. They're trying to see if your up to no good.  The ask alot of questions to see if you contradict yourself.  People lie to the cops ALL THE TIME, so they have to do things like this to read between the lines.

  2. Testing your reaction.

  3. They're trying to get you to incriminate yourself.

  4. In my 30+ years of working traffic and probably stopping 100,000 or more violators, I've never asked that question.

    Nor have I ever heard any other officer ask that question...

  5. Mind game he usually knows already or will find out once he runs your info. If you lie he plans on beating you like Rodney King so it best to tell them what they need. No More

  6. legal entrapment

  7. officers will ask to see if you have any priors, and sorry shilo but you are wrong, we can pull up other records when doing a lic check thru NCIC (National crime information center) to see if you have any wants or warrants in another state or that state

  8. I would assume it is to see if they see if the person will lie.

    They certainly can find out and verify and see if theres any untruth they can act on.

    Why would someone lie?

    To hide something bad.

  9. Several reasons, to hear you speak, smell alcohol on your breath and to see if you are being honest with them, if you lie and they check and see you are, red flags will go up and you will be scrutinized more.

  10. I agree with the 2nd answer

  11. They want to know if you are going to be honest with them.

  12. to try and catch you in a lie

    and arrest you for it

    more money in the bank

  13. It's a question to determine your truthfulness.  Also, some officers do not want to issue a ticket if you haven't received one in a while, they might give you a warning.  However, this is not a technique taught in the police academy.

  14. DN4CER:  I don't believe ANYONE in law enforcement has never heard the question asked.  YOU may not, but it is VERY common.  I also note you would have to AVERAGE 10 traffic stops EVERY day to reach the number you quote.  This answer just placed you on the list of people I don't believe are actually officers.

    The officer is not trying to determine ANYTHING based on the answer.  They probably ARE trying to establish something based on your behavior AS you answer.  The longer they talk to you, the more time they have to observe you and look for signs you are hiding something worth looking for.

  15. Trying to see if you are lying.  If you say you never have, and they find out that you have gotten a ticket, they have a reason to be suspicious of you.

  16. The police cannot look up your driving record during a traffic stop.  All most officers in most states will see when they run your license on a computer are major offenses like DUI.  Most traffic offenses you can receive a ticket for do not show up on the reports officers can see during a traffic stop.

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