
Why Do Women Gape At My b*****s?

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I am an attractive woman with watermelon breats ok.

I saw this woman stop in the market aisle just staring/glaring at my b*****s with a mouth wide open, and I glared back at her because she just stood there. Firs thought that runs through my mind is that she's g*y, because women do not just glare or stop traffic to look at another woman's b*****s...........

What should I say as I get these stares from women often at my b*****s. Men I don't mind as it's normal, but a woman.....

I don't look at women's b*****s because I'm not a man, nor am I a L*****n. I'd rather look at a man. So what do these women get off looking at my b*****s????




  1. Because women are given to jealousy more than men.  They will treat you like a s**t just because you have big b***s.  They somehow feel that it's their God given right to stare at you as if saying that you should somehow hide them.  These women are not lesbians, they are insecure about their own bodies.  I have a wife who is beautiful and is 51 years old.  She has an amazing figure and has size 36E b*****s.  She gets more looks that young girls do.  So, I'm used to it.  Men stare and women glare.

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