
Why Do You Believe What You Believe?????

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Why Do You Believe What You Believe?????

Have you guys taken the time to examine some of your beliefs, uncovering the REAL reason that lead you to believe what you believe about that particular subject ?

VOS1 is asking you to air your thoughts about ANY of your beliefs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world wants to know what this generation believes and why it believes it !!!!!




  1. believe because it is right and I'm willing to die for my beliefs. I'm not a terrorist, unless you believe that I am one. But that doesn't mean I won't suicide bomb something. Its not necessarily a terrorist activity, depending on which side you're on and what you believe in.

    I'm a pro choice half anarchist person. I strongly believe that people have the right to do what they want, regardless of the objections of others. Why do other people get to have their wants fulfilled over yours? If you want to smoke pot, why does the government have the right to say you can't and ruin your life?

    As long as the action does can cause unavoidable direct harm to others, I see no reason why that action is not allowed.  Did you know that in some states its no longer legal to smoke in a open area such a park? I believe that if you don't like smelling smoke, then gee, move away! Its not like its unavoidable or you have to stand there smelling something at is objectionable to you. Or what about g*y marriage, nude beaches, drugs and alcohol, gun ownership, and the various other controversial and hotly debated topics in this country?

    If there is a riot or a movement that is pro freedom of choice or partially anarchist, I will definitely participate in it, even if it means certain death. I believe that I should stand up for what I believe in, and use force when necessary.

    And I'm a firm believer of the "from my cold dead hands" idea, where you'll need to do that to get my guns from me and about 24,999 people. Most of the 40 million gun owners will give them up without a fight. Some would probably unite and rebel, only to be called terrorists and cut down by the military.

  2. which generation?

    I believe what i believe because after careful consideration it makes good sense.

  3. I have no idea why I believe in what I believe! I believe in basic human rights for all people - the right to a good education, a roof over your head, a full belly, equal access to health care, etc. Why? Because it's the right thing. I'll keep fighting for these things until it happens.

  4. Because I am convinced.

  5. I had started asking questions when I was small, and the answers helped me to bring my beliefs into focus. I believed because it made sense to me. A near-death experience a few years later reinforced my beliefs. For the record, I am a Christian. (Grew up in the 60's and 70's.)

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