
Why Do You Hate Jonas Brothers???

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This is a Question For The Very Little Amount of People Who Hate The Jonas Brothers? Why Do You Hate Them? They Are Really Good and They Have Loads Of Songs Your Bound To Like One..




  1. I Dont Really Like Them And I kind Of Like There Music.

  2. Oh ,please. a lot of people hate them...

  3. Because I have the right to have an opinion.

  4. no they rock seriousllly haters need to chill out ok  


  6. Well, For One, I Don't Know Why You Capitalize All of Your Words.

    Second, i don't hate the jonas brothers, i dislike their "music". I don't know them personally, so how can i say i hate them? I've listened to quite a few of their songs, actually, and the voices are whiny and annoying in every one of them! And it's mostly the fans we don't like. Plus, they're just not good-looking. Not at all. Ringo Starr, who is now 68 years old, looks better than the jonas brothers.

    I'll stick with The Beatles.

  7. 'Very little amount'..haha...You mean 'Very Big Amount'...I hate the Jonas Brother(Not personally of course.)..Because they pretend to be able to sing, and play Guitar....They have no talent..and they're fans are idiots(That's the really big reason why I hate them.).

  8. i don't hate them cause i don't listen to their music but this question is kinda annoying cause it has been asked a lot of times =.= different people, different opinion. you can't force someone to like them so i suggest u get over it.

  9. actually, i think the amout of people who hate them and the amount of people who love them are pretty equal.

    anyway, i dont hate them, i just dont like their music. its so poppy and their lyrics mean nothing to me.  

  10. I don't do manfactured bubblegum-wannabe rock stars-boyband pop.

  11. Only tweens like them

    Lots of people that are older hate them

    If they are supposed to be band....(which they aren't) and they suck, isn't that reason enough not to like them?

    1. They are on Disney.

    2. They are pop and bad pop at that.

    3. Their fan girls are the most annoying things I've ever seen on the internet, literally EVER. They think we all must love them, and don't understand why we don't. THey call it rock when it should be illegeal to do so. Newsflash..I could less if anybody in the world likes my favorite bands.

    4. Their image is annoying... its a manufactured created image; this wholesome/purity ring thing that disney has created is annoying.  Its an image, I know you think they are down to earth buts its the image that gets fans.

    5. They have a target audience which is tweens and young VERY young little girls.

    6. ANy band with that much merch is just not worth my time, they are in it to make money on everything and they are wining and sucking you.  I just own some shirts of some bands I like, never jewlery bags, pants, book covers, etc phones, its a money making machine.

    7. The one with diabetes is a baby. He whines like no one I've ever seen about a managable disease.

    8. Their music is bland, musak, empty, souless, passionless; the first time I heard them I knew where the bridge and chorus would be; its very predictable and unexciting 'music'.

    9. The Jonas brothers are only famous because they are rich kids. They are sponsored by DisneyChannel for god sake, that shows how good they are. We can't let these pretty boy rich kid's music pass as rock.

    10. It's not at all rock, it bad pop plain and simple, its bubblegum and it lacks any substance lyrically or musically that I'm interested in. If you like that fine, but don't sit around wondering why I dont

    I could keep going but since this is SPAM and you could have used search

    ...I'm going to go.

  12. I hate them cuz they suck and they look like g**s

  13. i hate them because they suck balls because they do suck on them and they say they are rock but what rock band plays for disney they are cheap pop they pretend to be straight but are actually g*y, no i hate every one of there pathetic songs. you just wasted 5 points for no reason jonas fan nice move stupid jonas brother shoukld be dead

  14. I love them! Also they dont have a reason to hate them because everything they say they dont like is not true, for an example saying there g*y when they are obviously not.

  15. They are a talentless, homely garage band.  There is absolutely NO music involved in what they do.  

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