
Why Do You Have To Cleanse Tone And Moisturise?

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I Was Thinking Why You Have To Cleanse Tone And Moisturise Because I Only Exfoliate Everyday.

Whats The Difference Beetween Exfoliation And Cleanse,Tone And Moisturise?

And Whats Better Exfoliate Or C,T,M?




  1. Hi.

    Its a damned important routine that ensures you dont look 60 when you are only 40 okay!

    You should exfoliate only once or twice a week.  Do it too much and you are stripping the skin of much needed natural oils.  Every day exfoliation is excessive.

    Cleansing - important every day.  Dont use soap on the face it is too drying.  Use a foaming cleanser that is ph balanced.  This ensures that the chemical make up of the skin remains balanced and does not become too out of balance (either dry or greasy).

    Toning - well I have always thought that optional but it is used to close the pores after cleansing.

    Moisturising is the Holy Grail my friend.  It is deeply deeply important.

    Try and find one that suits your skin - it should be absorbed quickly and leave it feeling smooth and plump.  You should moisturise a.m. and p.m. and however many times you like in between.  You need to keep the skin moisturised due to the ageing effects of central heating, wind, rain, sun and snow!  Wind is the secret killer for facial skin.

    So there you have it.  Exfoliate - 1ce or 2ce a week max.

    C,M - every single day of your life if you want to look like those fabulous actresses in their 60's and 70;s and add in toner if thats your bag.

  2. so that you will buy lots of products.

    i used to have typical teenage skin,tried loads of different products nothing made much difference then i started drinking lots of water and green tea and it worked wonders, now all i use is a nivea aqua moisturiser and wash my face in the shower without any products and keeps my skin good so don't buy into it , they didn't have any products like 50 years ago and very few people had skin problems, your skin is more to with your diet and genes than anything else

    also you should only be exfoliating once to twice a week at most. you're removing layers of skin to often making it more prone to sun damage.

  3. This is just a personal opinion but i think all of that is recommended so you will buy all the products needed.  It is a con perpetrated by cosmetic companies.

    I suppose lots of beauticians will be telling me I'm wrong.

  4. as nikki said..

    you should cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturise everyday!

    cleanse to get rid of excess make up and dirt.

    exfoliate to get rid of dirt and grime and clean deep into your pores.

    tone because it tightens your pores which reduces the chance of getting spots.

    then moisturise to keep your skin from drying out and looking healthy.

  5. exfoliate is getting rid of dead skin cells, where as cleasning is only getting rid of surface grime and make-up

    you should cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturise everyday!

  6. I know you have to cleanse just because your skin needs cleaning every day.  Moisturizing keeps your skin from drying out & getting flaky & looking dead.  Toning i don't know.  I've always been told that exfoliating every day is bad for you just because it rubs your skin raw.

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