
Why Do You Not Disturb Sleepwalkers?

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What is the significant reason behind this?





  1. One of my friends is a sleepwalker and I'd always heard the same thing, that you should never wake a sleepwalker.  I didn't believe it would hurt.  We were having a sleep over and she started sleepwalking.  Some of the other girls wanted to wake her up.  I told them no way.  They shook her to try and wake her up and she became so violent that she broke one of their noses!   I guess that's why.  People can become really violent if you try to wake them up and they're sleepwalking.

  2. Hey um yeah, I agree with answerer #1. I sleepwalk A LOT, and when sleeping over at my friend's house last weekend, she saw me walking around the room and trying to find ways to get out. I, of course, don't remember any of this, but she said that she grabbed me and tried to wake me, but I started hitting her and grabbed the curtains at the window and ripped them off. When I woke up in the morning, I could see the mess I'd made - it wasn't pretty!

    There is also a myth that waking a sleepwalker can cause them to have a heart attack. This, however, is a great misconseption that should be put to rest. Experts say that it is highly unlikely for a heart attack to occur when one is awoken from sleepwalking. Sleepwalking is a very common state, and it is better to wake up a sleepwalker than to let them keep on walking around, because they may be putting themselves into physical danger. Most sleepwalkers simply walk around and put themselves back to bed. If you see somebody sleepwalking, don't be afraid to wake them up! It can be difficult, but the best thing to do is to guide them back to bed.

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