
Why Do You Spend money to call your "interest" a "hobby"?

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I don't have hobbies; hobbies cost money. Interests are quite free.




  1. Hobbies don't necessarily have to cost money!! There are lots of things one can do, make, collect, that don't cost dollars and cents.

    Interests are intellectual, not very practical. My interests include reading the library in town!!

    Interests and Hobbies both have one thing in common: They cost TIME!! Sometimes that is a very precious item.

  2. I will happily be anyone's hobby if they want to pay me.

  3. I've gotta spend money on something... =)

  4. My hobby is being sarcastic.

    Doesn't cost me a thing, and it gives me a lot of joy.

  5. agree with you.

    have a dog and we walk a lot. she is happy. that is one of my delights of life. to walk with my doggie. she loves it and is so happy here.

  6. Because my interest is s*x, and as you can tell from my photo, it is therefore, unfortunately, a hobby.

  7. in this country, if after three years,you still can"t make any money, with your interest, it must be a hobby.

  8. Some people like to take thier interests further and expand on them... making them hobbies

    best answer?  ;-D

  9. My interest is knitting.  If I didn't spend any money on it, I could only watch other people knit.  And that's about as exciting as watching the paint dry.

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