
Why Do You Think That The Appeal Of Hairy Men Has Died Down?

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Over the years, the appeal of hairy men has been a turn off. Many of women today say that shoulder and back hair on males is a turn off.

It wasn't always the case with this. Thirty years ago many celebrities were seen with back hair and shoulder hair and still considered as heart throbs at the time; one being Chuck Norris who was very hairy.

Why do you think the societal attitudes on hairy men has changed? Why do you think women prefer "un-manly" looking men if you will?




  1. I never knew there was an appeal for hairy men..thats pretty nasty!

  2. I doubt it was the hair that was the turn on.  Hair just looks dirty and feels gross..

  3. Just because a man is not hairy, does not mean that he isn't manly.  Look at bodybuilders or really athletic guys.  They are mostly devoid of body hair, but they are some of the best examples of a manly physique that I have ever seen.  They do not look AT ALL "prepubescent".  They look highly masculine.  

    Not liking body hair DOES NOT equate to not liking masculinity.  If that were the case, then the pressure for women to remove all their body hair would also be "not liking femininity" since women naturally have body hair as well.  

    Not liking body hair simply means that you don't like body hair...and frankly, I'm glad that men are now also expected to remove their body hair.  It's ridiculously unfair if women are expected to shave so much of their bodies and men can just shave their faces.

  4. Becauses of television, movies and mags.  It's the same way with women feeling they have to be stick thin to be attractive.  I'm down with the manly men however!  It's amazing how much the media can influence society, on a direct level and subliminaly.

  5. When are you talking about, exactly? I remember as a kid in the early 80s hearing my mom and aunts talk about how gross back hair was. It was tolerated, but never preferred. Could it be that women are just more willing to be vocal about what they find attractive now? Maybe we're just getting to be more shallow when it comes to looks, whereas before we mostly were shallow about things like money and power. Maybe we're finally starting to objectify men's bodies as much as they objectify ours.

  6. now i dont mind hair on the chest....but back and shoulder hair? i dont like it....( unless it is hair from his head that falls to his shoulders...growl)

  7. The same reason as why men gawk at skinny women. It all has to do with mass media and how people are represented to the world. Most magazines and movies feature guys who have been waxed. It is what is promoted to women as what a guy should look like to be hot.

  8. I don't think hairy backs is considered manly. Being a man is not having a p***s or any of that and if that's what people think then they are wrong. A man is someone who can take responsibilities and treat all people right and who is mature and so on.

    Even if  you look like a man that doesn't make you one.

  9. Its called the evolution of man:  he wants to get as far away from his ape ancestors as possible.

  10. I think you are right, remember Burt Reynolds, he was a pretty hairy, a walking chest carpet.  I think the media changed our perception with men's ads showing them with clean chests.  We've also become germaphobes and many people think that hair collects bacteria and odors.

  11. This is simply because of the dramatic change in fashion.

  12. The appeal of masculinity, in general has died down. Or has been murdered, if you will.

  13. yet 3-day old beard stubble is s**y, go figure

  14. Same reason the appeal of hairy women has. It's all about looking pre-pubescent nowadays!

    Standards of beauty change. Elvis-hair is no longer in. Bell-bottoms and platforms are no longer in. Hairy bodies are no longer in.

  15. I agree with Robert G. I like how Molly B states it. It sounds Nietzschean and similar to Nietzsche's famous God is dead comment.

  16. If I thought hair was a turn on, I should be turned on by hairy gorillas which isn't true. Excessive hair is gross and unconsiderate. LEARN THIS SIMPLE FACT MEN !!!

  17. I agree w/ Molly B.

  18. idk, i remember hearing a lot of male bad, female good type messages in the 80s and 90s. maybe this has something to do with it. maleness might have been nitpicked into temporary retreat!

  19. Men with back hair were considered s**y at one time? Man...I'm glad I missed that fad...

  20. Lots of hair is caused by lots of testosterone (hence traditional "manliness") Now metrosexuals are in and femine men,

    its a fad it will change again and back again soon

  21. Masculinity in general has become less popular.  Perhaps it is because of anime.  Half of what you see there are underaged larger than life heroes that seem to beg to be jail bait.  

    Plus it seems everyone is shaving EVERYTHING now.  No one is looking young enough any more, that they have to revert to pre-puberty years.

  22. society frowns upon true men. manly men. gender roles and characteristics have become so blurred and pushed towards an unstable center, that things truly masculine, and things truly feminine are becoming a dying breed.

    i love hairy men. when i first started dating my boyfriend, i asked him to grow a beard for me. he gladly said yes.

    if i wanted a hairless guy, i would find a chick with a strap-on.

  23. It's probably because of all those movies/ads/posters of clean shaven sculpted men out there. 'Metrosexuality', is portrayed as the in thing, so it is understandable why.

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