
Why Do i Hate Crying ?

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I Hate Crying ,

I Try My Best NEVER to Cry .

It Is Hard But I hardly Ever Cry.

I HAte Crying .

But Why ?? Why Wont i let My Self Cry .

On The VERY Rare Occasion I Do , I feel Worse . Andry And More Upset for crying but why >?

Much Love





  1. Maybe you see it as a sign if weakness.

    I deal with people all day sorting their problems out and I have a motto, " If they are crying they are lying." So maybe you know you're lying when you put the water works on for people.  

  2. I think the reason people hate to cry so much is that they perceive crying as "weak".  That's why most people don't cry in public and they don't cry at all.  They get angry at themselves for being weak.  My mother is the same way.  Her father always taught them to be strong and if they cried, he thought is was a sign of weakness.  The truth's not.  It is okay to cry.  In fact, it's healthy.  Keeping tears bottled up is dangerous to your emotional health.  Any time you need to cry, cry.  Don't worry about how other people perceive you.  Even if you hate to cry, sometimes you just need to.  It doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human.

  3. you have a lot of pain in your heart.

    i can just tell....

  4. If your body wasn't meant to cry then it would never happen.

    It's natural sweety.

    Do you notice sometimes that when you fight against something it makes it harder?

    You just gotta go with what your heart is telling you.

    Our body sometimes has different engery and emotions. Since we feel different things, we express it in a different way.

    We yell when we're angry

    We laugh when we're happy

    We cry when we're sad

    Whenever you get upset don't push it aside. Let your mind think about why you are about whatever you have to do.

    Then the next day be over it.

    Start fresh and let yourself know that its okay to express yourself that way

    Much love back,


  5. I Reali no wat ya mean

    I Hate cryin 2

  6. Crying is noramlly a way to express sadness.  So I guess you don't like being sad.  

    It is generally more fun to be happy than sad so try to think happy thoughts instead of sad thoughts.

    Don't feel guilty or weak for crying.  Just do something different.


  7. Crying shows weakness. If you are hiding something behind yourself, acting very strong, you're not going to want to show weakness. But crying isn't always weakness. You just need to let it out, it's okay to cry. Sometimes it doesn't make you feel better, but it's WAY better to cry then to keep your emotions bottled up inside. Crying isn't always a weakness, it shows you are normal.
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