I'm 11 years old and i have huge headaches not mostly all the times but there is something that is causing it. Yesterday i woke up in the morning and had a headache but not a severe one. I've been sneezing a lot and sometimes shortness of breath and runny nose. I also hear like a beep in my ear it lasts like 3 seconds then it goes away. And my foot has been numb a lot. Why could that be? Sometimes my arms hurt too and behind my legs. I have been trying to learn how to swim and i kept paddling my feet and doing that stuff. So what could that be? Also, even though I'm laying down my head hurts. Then it goes away. Do i have allergies? I went to the doctor for an allergy test and my results will come in tomorrow but I'm just wondering what it is. Do i have a brain tumor? Or is it because i eat a lot of junk food. Like cheese doodles and ice cream and chips and fudge brownies and freeze pops,And many more. Is it too much sugar and stuff? Or could it be my eyes? My eyes hurt a long time ago like a 3 weeks ago. Or could it be my period coming up? It's my second period and my first period i felt dizzy with nausea and headaches. But i wouldn't been sneezing would i? Is is brain tumor allergies, period or eye strain? How can i cure it? Today i don't have a headache in the morning though probably i would. Well it hurts at my temples. At the side of my head. What could it be? My family has been healthy with their other family with no tumors or cancer. Could it all be in my head or am i a hypochondriac?