
Why Do some people actually think that The Jonas Brothers are better than The Beatles?

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I've been going through many questions and answers and apparently many kids are saying that The Jonas Brothers are the new Beatles and are better than the old ones. Why do some people think this. The Beatles aren't legenday because they got a lot of screaming girl fans. It was because they wrote legendary music. I questioned a Jo Bro fan and her answer was that the Jonas Brothers are hotter and way cooler. WTF does that have to do with music. The Jonas Brothers write S****y music. So, explain to me "Who is better and why" MY answer is The Beatles because they changed the face of rock music forever while The Jonas Brothers just made a lot of money for Disney.




  1. WTF? The Jonas Brothers being compared to The Beatles? The Beatles are considered legends because they are musical geniuses. The Jonas Brothers aren't even close to that. Little kids have no idea, all they care about is who's cuter.

  2. well, I'm their fan! but I think The Beatles were legends, and no one will ever know, that will people remember Jonas brothers in like 30 years later? that's the point! we can't judge right now!

  3. everyone hates them cause they're DISNEY people? seriously, you guys need to shutup, they can be anyone they want. just cause they're part of disney, doesn't mean anything. i bet if the beatles were part of disney everyone would be hating on them too.

  4. I agree. Beatles.


    they are so great, some one wanted to make a musical with their music, and decent actors wanted to play in it.

    if jonas brothers wanted to make a musical, they would be the only ones who would want to play themselves.  hahaha...

    their music has no power.

    no message.

    nothing exciting.

    plus the beatles rock the suits and weird haristyles way better :]]]

  5. The Beetles are way more talented then the Jonas Brothers. But alot of the reason they got really famous was teenage girls thought they were hot. You can't say that is not at least part of the reasons. Of course you don't become rock legends for that. Their songs were artistic and had meaning. Unlike The Jonas Brothers.

  6. i like both and listen to both

    but you know

    i wish john lennon and george harrison didnt die=(

  7. I completely 100% agree with you!!! I dont know how people can compare the Jonas Brothers to the beatles.  Number one they had more hits then like anyone, their music was amazing diverse and they changed rock music.  They were hot yes but did things other then dumb disney movies and run around flaunting their hottness.  If you ask me i dont find any of the jonas brothersw attractive AT ALL.  The way they dress they just look like they are trying to be english.  Their songs are dumb they are young and writing about love.  They appeal to the twelve year old girls that are obssessed with them.  The beatles had a much older crowd. Everyone knows their songs and they will be remebered.  The Jonas brothers are just another boy band that is hot one minute and not the next.

  8. The Beatles because they were original, they wrote their own music, all four of them sang lead, all four of them played more than one instrument (ringo played keyboard on don't pass me by)... How much else do I need to say? Each of the Beatles wrote their own #1 songs after the break up as well. Three of the Beatles are Hall of Famers on their own name (Pour Ringo) and The Beatles had an ever changing sound. Go from "Love Me Do" to "Helter Skelter" to "Strawberry Fields." If it weren't for the Beatles the Jonas Bros would be serving fries.

  9. Because those "people" are 12 year old girls who have no knowledge of music or its history.  They are ignorant little children who should not be taken seriously.

  10. who cares, they both have good things about them that MOST people loove

  11. It's an opinion, everybody has them.

  12. Because all of the teenage girls these days could care less about if music is good or not. I know this is kind of hypocritical because I'm only 19 but when I was a kid I was exposed to the Beatles and other oldies music because my parents enjoyed them. So did I. Nowadays, as long as you have cute teenage boys in a band it doesn't matter how much they suck, girls will fall for them. You're right, the Beatles are LEGENDARY for their music, Jonas brothers? I really don't see a difference between them and the other 100+ boy bands that sound exactly the same...

  13. Thats a joke right? lmfao the beatles hands down are better, the jonas brothers voices are stingy and annoying and base there success on getting pre teen and teen girls to be obsessed with them,  and on top of all that they cant solo for there lifes, there guitar playing honsetly, could be played by a 5 year old who knew 3 or 4 basic keys cmon, the beatles are legends, who wrote all there music by themselves without help of disney to get them publicized, the jonas brothers are nothing more than another nsync or backstreet boys, they will die out soon enough, beatles music will never ever die, legends never die

  14. because they be g*y

  15. I've never liked the beatles, they were really bad. they really have the most irritating songs.  

  16. cuz the beatles had a dif style if music and most kids today have no taste..go beatles!!!!

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