
Why Do you Love Roller Coasters?

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Why are you a coaster junkie? Why do you think people are afraid of them? Your views on roller coasters?

Thanks! :P




  1. i love them i just do i love the rush and i love it all and some i do scream bloody murder but i love it

  2. I love roller coasters becaause I like the feeling that you might fall out.  I think that ppl dont like them because of heights and the feeling that you might fall out.  I think roller coasters are the best thing ever made.

  3. i dont love them I HATE THEM

  4. I LOOOVE roller coasters because I love the thrill you get from them. I just love when the roller coaster has a big hill and then it drops. People are maybe afraid of getting hurt, just had a bad experience in the past, or they just have a phobia of some sort. To me, roller coasters are the best thing anyone ever came up with in the Amusement Park industry. Sorry!! :)

  5. I love rollercoasters because it sends thrills through me. Each rollercoaster sends different thrills thorugh me. Kingda Ka sends a thrill of terror. Pheonix (in Knoebels) sends an old fashioned thrill thorugh me. And rollercoasters such as superman sends a thrill  of what it is like to fly. =D

  6. because they are fun

  7. there is a constant grin from ear to ear.

  8. I get a little nervous and it builds excitement! There's nothing like the thrill and adrenaline that pumps through your veins! LOL People are afraid of them because of heights (It's SOOOO HIGH), it's super fast, and it can be risky sometimes...

  9. Cos I love the adrenelin rush you get.

    There's nothing else quite like it in my experience.


  10. I luv them because they give u a thrilling feeling and make u feel like ur on top of the world. I know that sounds crazy but u asked! Some people dont like them because of the speed, others cause they are afraid that it will break with them on it! I luv them but thats me!

  11. Well, My First Roller Coaster was the GRIFFON. I was really scared before i rode it but after i got off i felt so Great. I Wanted to ride it over and over again. i rode in the first row so yeah it's thrilling. but AWESOME

  12. I love the speed and the "fear" of being out of control but knowing you're alright

  13. ilike to feel scared but still havethe "controll' of being strpped in

  14. I love the adrenalin rush when you are about to get on the ride, because you are really scared and wondering whether you should have really qued up for the ride. I love the exitement and the loops! They are the best! For me thats what makes a ride, I like them to be high but not stupidly high like KInda Ka at Six Flags in America. Hope this helps.

  15. they are soo amazingly thrilling and exciting. It's such a rush when you ride them.

    people are probably afraid b/c they r fast, tall, have steep drops, and go upside down.


    i love cedar point!

  16. Its proven that 94% of people LOVE the felling it gives you of being scared,same 4 things such as scary movies,haunted houses!!

    And plus I love the feel of going so fast!!!!!!

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