
Why Does Circuit City and Best Buy always smell like Body Odor?

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I have been wondering this for some time. But, I am looking for honest answers only please. Why is it that when you walk into best buy or circuit city (happened yesterday) it hits you with a strong sme.. like Body Odor Smell. Is is The electronics?




  1. Maybe it's because it doesn't say, "Made in America." (I just couldn't resist that one).

  2. Its because all the losers who sit at home all day and play video games went to best buy or circuit city to get some games or gaming equipment and they haven't showered, wore deodorant, or brushed there teeth for weeks

  3. Maybe people who go there are just too lazy to take a shower & they need to get zapped: a wake up call into taking a shower/bath.

  4. The Geek Squad forgot to use deodorant.

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