
Why Does Cold Blooded Murderer Chris Foster Still Not Have A Wiki Page?

by Guest57421  |  earlier

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Lets not kid ourselves here this was a man obsessed with money wealth and material goods to the extent that he blew his own daughters brains out with a shotgun while she chatted to friends online before heading downstairs to blow the head off her mum as she slept. Then heading out to butcher the families pets he set fire to everything of value. He is the epitome of evil and should be remembered as such.




  1. Wiki pages are always made by someone if you feel that this Butt-hole needs to be remembered then you obviously are the one who needs to make the page for him.

  2. I totally agree with you. I live in Shropshire, but this will haunt Shropshire the rest of people's lives.

  3. Make one yourself then!

  4. I think you said it all. Just copy and paste this question into Wiki and job done

  5. Yes, if you are that concerned then you do it.  He doesn't deserve the recognition, he was a coward who took the easy way out.  

  6. He needs a "Sicki" page not a "Wiki" page

  7. make one for him

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