
Why Does God Want To Be Involved In Our Lives?

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I asked myself this a few days ago...but I just couldn't get a answer....I sin like everyday so why does he even love me? I so not worthy of him.




  1. Because you are His creation and His love is unconditional.  You are a mommy....would you stop loving your child because they sinned?  I didn't think so:)

  2. That is what is so amazing.  I know others who struggle with that, but the promises of God are true, His love is unconditional.  He loves you enough that He offered His own Son as a sacrifice for the payment of your sinfulness.  

    None of us are worthy of His love, but He chooses to be because His love is limitless.  Please do not think that you have to earn His love.  As you know, it cannot be done.

  3. nice guy, aint he? its his nature!  

  4. That is the beauty of His love.  That no matter our past and faults He loves us anyway.  God doesn't ask us to BE perfect, He just wants us to try w/ His help.  Jesus paid the price for sin so that we don't have to.  When we accept Jesus as our lord and Savior, His blood will wash away our sin and cover us, in turn making us worthy.  We are not worthy in and of ourselves, but the blood of Jesus is was makes us worthy.  That is true love!

  5. Because He loves us very very much, He created us He fashioned us He thought about us even before we were ever created and He wanted us to fellowship with.

  6. You are soooo right. You are not worthy, and neither am I or anyone else. His forgivness is a GIFT. Read this verse.

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

    9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

    Maybe you do or dont have children. Wouldnt you want be involved in their lives? Wouldnt you love them and want whats best for them? Wouldnt you want them to come to you? We are Gods but we all have sin in our lives which God cant be a part of. So He sent Jesus His Son to pay the penalty for our sins so He and us could be together forever. BUT we must say yes to Him. Do as Romans 10:9 says.

    Romans 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    John 3:16-17

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

  7. God does not exist. Its very simple.

  8. We were created for his pleasure...because he chose to make us.  Not because there was anything we could do...or would deserve it.

    Why does he want to be involved?  Because he loves you...and loved you before you even knew him.  What do we do in the face of this grace?  We humble ourselves and offer thanks.  We love him back.  

    That isn't to say it's "cheap" cost God a lot.  But we can be appreciative...we can love in return...and we can understand that it isn't about US, it is about HIM.

  9. There is no god of any description, but your leaders would like you to believe that there is so that than can control you.

  10. Well maybe you are like a little child and he understands your need to be a bad little girl.

    Really, God is so much more than that. You are part of God's spirit being having a human experience. You are as speck of God. You are connected like a probe in space so he can explore himself and at the same time is a father of all creation. So why would he not want to be involved. Why would he not Love his own self. Did not Jesus say, My Father and I are one. Jesus said, that those who believe have the same father. Those who don't have a different father by belief.

    The difference is that Jesus Knew it, he was not just a believer.

    Rev. TomCat

  11. Because God loves you and me and everyone else amazingly, in fact he loved us so much he gave up his beloved son for us. But i also don't know why he loves us so much, we are not worthy of his love

  12. god created us

    get the bible and read it

    god love evryone he created us were like his children he is anyone hes you father when you dont have 1 hes evrything

  13. the same reason why a loving mom or dad would want to be involved their child's life, even if they made allot of mistakes

  14. What do you mean why? Why not? He did create us, after all. And like any parent loves their child, he will still love us if we make mistakes.

  15. mommy, i see you want to know answers to very personal questions. Plase dont let just some yahoo answer 4 U. join us @ ....... click on prayer

    Im guessing you went to church as a child but havent been in a long time.

    this isnt my website, i came across it in despairation of my failing marriage and it has been the best thing thats happened to me in a long time. PLease just stop in and read what we discuss there. youll be surprised. my name is jason the carpenter, i hope to see you there

  16. The love that He has for us is not like ANY love on this earth. He loves u so much u don't even know it yet. He gave His Only Precious Son to be sacrificed in such a horrible way so that we could have a chance to be with Him....and people STILL reject do u think He feels? But He still loves u!!!! So why keep sinning!? Turn to Him. He will never let u down. He loves u so much.  

  17. He probably see something beautiful in you as a person and he knows that when you recognize yourself to be a sinner, there is a great chance that you are important to Him.

  18. When God tells you not to do something it means you won't enjoy doing it.  Think about your sins and who you sin against and asked yourself how they feel about you sinning against them.  When you commit sin against somebody they usually would react in a negative way so you wouldn't enjoy them being upset, right?  Unconditional love is what the bible is talking about.  Love thy neighbor as thyself.

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