
Why Does It Seem That People with No Kids Like to Criticize Your Parenting The Most?

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I am only pregnant. I am starting to realize this from others without kids.




  1. I think everyone remembers the best and worst of how they were raised, and so many of them would want to put their input about what worked for them growing up. "If only my parents didn't do that, I would've turned out better" kinda thing. =P  Or "My parents did this and look how great I turned out." LoL.

    And everyone likes to speculate on how they would raise their children. Like, I would have no problem spanking my child if he needed discipline (once I have one), whereas someone else would accuse me of child abuse if I did. Or they think, "I'd never let my child throw a tantrum like that," without realizing what it takes to deal with tantrums.

  2. Those that can't (don't), teach. I'd be more wary of the old ladies (no offense to anyone). My best friend is 8 months and we live in a city where the population is about 60... and she's already getting don't do this and don't do that from all the older people in town. And getting lectured because she's so young... 20 really isn't that young though if you think about it.  

  3. i don't think that is really true, i think that a parent is more sensitive if it is a non-parent giving the advice...

    another thing is maybe parents give advice less often cuz they know how annoying it can be to be given unasked for advice

  4. No one I know w/o kids has criticized my parenting skills.  Who are these horrible people?  Unless your parenting skills are extremely unorthodox.

  5. because they want kids to have good parents, they themselves probably feel that they would not make good parents (maybe one of the reasons they chose not to have children) but they know what a good parent does.  

  6. Because they think they know everything. My Aunt was the same way. I am the youngest of 4 kids and none of us ever used drugs, or got arrested, but according to her my parents did a lousy job raising us. My dad (it is his sister) no longer talks to her because of this.

  7. Because they are clueless

  8. They don't know how it really is.  I honestly have to say, I was guilty of that myself... then my fiance got full custody of his daughter and WOW

    my point of view really changed.  She was 2 when we got her and now that I've lived through the temper tantrums and life of a child I don't critize as much.  

  9. Because some do, but sometimes parents are so experienced that they cannot be objective, as that's muddled by their emotional involvement.

    Edit: Aint tiny dan classy?

  10. I know what you mean. I see that a lot on here they don't have kids but they think they know first hand. it's one thing to have a opinion on certain subjects but if you don't have kids then how can you tell a parent how to handle a situation. on the other hand I have friends who don't have kids and know how to handle some situations because they interact with kids alot.

  11. because they don't know how it is to raise a kid, they don't know the troubles kids can cause,  and they don't know how the particular parent or kid acts while they aren't there

  12. I suppose it's because it's easier to raise a child in theory than it is in practice.  It's quite simple to be Super Mom - the one who handles everything perfectly at every second of the day - when you don't actually have to care for a child.

    As I always say, the best parents are the ones with no children - or so they think.  

  13. It is because they don't understand how hard it is to raise children---people who have children can relate to the difficulties involved and therefore, don't usually criticize other parents.

  14. Because they watch to many Nanny shows on TV!  LOL

    Prior to having children I remember saying to myself "I would never...or I would do this..." but until you get to be the parent your answers prior to kids are always wrong!  

    Take what they say with a grain of salt, they don't know and don't have the personal experience of parenting and as each parent knows, every child is different, every parent is different so what works for one doesn't always work for another.

    Congrats on your pregnancy BTW!!

  15. because they dont understand how hard it is and how much attention, love and care children require. they have never been in the situation and they dont understand that whenever you have children, they become your number one priority. so i've noticed, i mean i've never had kids but i've noticed this.  

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