
Why Does Jay-Z NEVER????

by Guest66994  |  earlier

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Give a shout out to Big L? They were tight and all while L was hot, and when Jay blew up, i never heard him say anything about Big L, or say anything about his death, or greive for him. Did i miss something in a song, or is Jay just too big for L??




  1. good question....

    not sure though








  2. Guess you missed it

    @ 2:43

  3. I heard him give a shot out in like one song but I cannot remember.  I think he was saying R.I.P to a bunch of people or something can't remember.

  4. Why that guy give an answer of lil wayne in Mr.Carter

    But yea i agree with you i think jay just proble thought he was to good  

  5. i dont think it was a disrespect thing but he never did that i can remember but i dont think its causeof his ego more cause of who influenced him more  

  6. you know ive wondered that too,

    answer this please;...

  7. To you

    Forever, from me to you

    I heard somebody said judge, I'ma need a sue

    I'ma need a coup

    I wont need a roof

    Flyer than Beetle juice

    Beetle juice


    I got the floor, I'm tryna see the roof

    Didn't wear a bulletproof

    So I got +shot+ and you can see the +Proof+

    Blind eyes colored guide me to see the truth

    +Wonder+ if +Stevie+ do?

    But I'ma +Leave it to+

    God, not me nor neither you

    Cause I'ma murder, why I kill ol' and even you?

    Man, I got Summer hating on me cause I'm hotter than the sun

    Got Spring hating on me cause I ain't never sprung

    Winter hating on me cause I'm colder than ya'll

    And I would never, I would never, I would never Fall

    I'm being hated by the seasons

    So f**k ya'll who hating for no reason!  

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