
Why Does My male friend brag about his p***s?

by  |  earlier

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okay me ans my best friend are in the same marshal arts class and he is allways bragging how nice his stiff is you know like material items.

okay one day all the boys were in the showers! oh i forgot we all take showers together to get up ready for high school or something my dad he is the teacher and he is all ways saying stuff like that.

well one day they were out of towels it's not required to use them to cover up. well i forgot to mention but i am 14 and I'm confident about my p***s size. well everyone in the class loves my dad and doesn't feel embarsed about there size and being nude around him or afraid that he will see there p***s or whatever well exept my best friend. okay the next day my dad was outside teaching the guys a new kick or something! it's my job to see if anyone is still in the showers and check for dirty magnetizes my dad knows about the guys and there hidden p**n but doesn't care. well my friend was still in there started bragging how big his p***s was and what he could do with it well that was the same day when they ran out of towels and i was walking around the shower naked well my friend wont take showers with anyone around and i was walking around checking all the stuff in the showers and he was masturbating around a corner and that was the same day with no towels and i cough him and he saw my p***s but he forgot that his pants and underwear were at his ankles and stood up from around the corner and i saw his well err um his p***s it had no hair whatsoever well in the process of him trying to cover him self up he hit his head on a shower head and passed out ans i saw his tiny p***s well i remembers a couple weeks before my best friend pulled this kids pants down in front of the class who had a medium sized p***s and they called him peach fuzz i tried to stop the laughing but before i could get in my dad pulled me back and said your friend will get what is coming to him! the kid that got his pants pulled down hung himself 4 days before all this. so i decided id be the one to get revenge for that poor kid that hung himself. so i got my digital camera and took pictures of him and his small p***s so i could prove it was him so i put my camera back and got some of the guys in the class with the biggest and most hair on there p***s to come inside for a miniut so i got all the guys that i just called in to get naked and crouch around my best friend with there penises by his face so that would be the first thing he saw and it freaked him out so we all told him that he passed out from the hot water and hit his head we just all found him like this in the shower and that we all came in to take a shower but while he was passed out we gave him 1/8 viargra so when he got up he thought his p***s was all big he dint realize he was naked so we were all like hay dude want to go look at some p**n mags he was all like yeah so we were all masturbating and cumming every wear exept him and then all of a sudden his p***s went back to regular size and we all laughed and called him baby p***s! and we left and later i hacked his myspace and posted all the pics of him.

so my question is why do you think guys lie about there p***s size?

i think it is bacouse there p***s is small!




  1. For guys like this it is always the opposite of what they say.  If they brag about having a big one, then it is small.  If they brag about how much s*x that they are getting, they aren't getting is the guys who are silent are the ones who are scoring!

  2. You guys are sick

  3. They're insecure. They lack personality and any genuine trait a woman might be attracted to, and think that having a big p***s makes up for being a complete tool.

    Not to mention, who gives a c**p how big it is?

    I'd rather be with a "normal" sized guy than get split in half any day...

    Plus having s*x with such a wanker would just be painful...

  4. What??  Sorry, I feel asleep reading your question...

  5. oh my god

  6. no idea.  he is most likely self conscience about himself.  There are ranges of p***s size, it just depends on how you use it.

  7. He's probably just trying to be cool. He is embarrassed about his p***s size so he covers it up by telling everyone how big/ how developed he is. It's all based on embarrassment.

  8. Well, no guy wanna say his thing is small..

  9. Oh ya that story is really convincing.  THERE ISN'T A SINGLE TRACE OF SCIENCE IN THIS QUESTION!!!! But anyways, guys lie about their p***s sizes just because they want to be better than other people.  Nobody can just be themselves.

  10. 99% of guys say they have a big one cause they are mad cause it is actually small.

  11. you're kinda a bad person for making fun of a kid like that, when you just experienced someone else committing suicide for the same reason.  

  12. don't worry about it, probably small.

  13. are you kidding me? someone hung himself because he was made fun of for his p***s and youre going around taking pictures of this guys?? what the ****?

  14. So where's the link to his myspace account???

  15. ill admit it i have a small d**k. but i don't go around bragging about it cause something like this could happen. but  the reason is because  they are insecure of their self so they go around and lie about them self to make them feel better until the truth shows, then they are all embarrassed.

    h**l me my friend and his GF played truth or dare and his GF wanted to see my d**k. So ya i was kinda shy you know(for obvious reasons) but i showed it anyways and ya she wasn't too pleased but **** happens.

    so moral of the story is, Never lie about what you have because one day the truth will come out one way or another.

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