
Why Does Nobody Answer my Question?

by Guest65983  |  earlier

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what is an IEP?

i submitted the forms to txva southwest and they want an IEP if applicable

i know it is special education thing but i dont have that.

Do i HAVE to send them that?





  1. No.

    See i answered the question.

  2. Most teachers have just went back to work so you might have to find one on here & see if you can e-mail him or her or put those letters in the search box & see if anyone else has asked it or if anyone has gotten close to your question. You just have to get the right people or call an elementary school or the board of ed & they will answer you. If you can not get it in a few days e-mail me & I will ask a friend of mine who is a teacher but I don't usually call her the first few months of school. I am not kidding she is that busy.

  3. Click on the link below, may be you can get help from there.

  4. An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan.  It is used for students in classrooms if they have needs like giftedness, dyslexia, dysgraphia, blindness or deafness, learning disabilities, ADHD, that sort of thing.  It requires schools to offer accommodations like time restrictions being lifted from tests, the ability to hand in homework in a different way, someone to read test questions to them, etc.

    If you had one, you'd know; if you don't, then you don't need to worry about it.

  5. If you are only 13, you do not need to worry about this-your parents will do what is necessary (submitting proper forms, making necessary calls, etc).

    An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan.  It asks you to submit it if applicable.  If you do not have one, it is not applicable.  

  6. We're not all sitting here at our computers 24/7, waiting for questions.  Sometimes a person has to be patient and wait for answers.

    As we told you in your previous questions, the IEP is not applicable to you, so your don't send it.  That's why it says, "if applicable."

    It's not applicable - it doesn't apply - to you.

    All the best.

  7. It's an individual education plan.  Some homeshooling organisations have proformas for parents to devise education plans to use at home.  Bascially if you are homeschooled but not special ed they will want some sort of rundown of what you have studied but if you have SAT results to get you in they should be happy with that.  Call them up and explain your problem.

  8. First of all, there is NO REASON why a thirteen year old can't take initiative and responsibility and make phone calls like this for themselves. I did when I was thirteen and most of the time the person on the other end was either impressed, or simply didn't notice that I was a kid.

    Secondly, an IEP is a document that outlines goals and accommodations made for students in special education programs, whether that means the student is disabled, is highly gifted/advanced, or a combination of the two. It says to send one in IF APPLICABLE. Is it applicable? Do you have one? If not, then obviously you do not need to send one in. If so, then yes, you do.  

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