
Why Does Planned Parenthood Cost the Same as a Private Practice Gynecologist?

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I went to Planned Parenthood to get treated for an STD I contracted from a rape.

I thought they would provide their services at a lower cost than my gynecologist. However, they were around the same price. The pap test was only $10 cheaper than my gynecologist.

I had a procedure done to treat my STD. Afterwards, I developed severe scarring on my genitals that won't go away. I went back to Planned Parenthood and asked to talk with a nurse. The nurse took a quick glance at my genitals (About 30 seconds) and told me that my genitals looked "normal." (They were not normal. The TCA that they put on my genitals ran and caused vertical and horizontal scarring where the acid ran.)

Anyways, I just received the bill and they charged me $60 just for her looking at my genitals for 30 seconds! There is a page in which the nurse is supposed to fill out the exam form. However, she crossed out 90% of it and just wrote "One wart near clitoris".

How can a 30 second glance at my genitals cost $60???

Why do people think that Planned Parenthood gives discounts? That is ONLY if one qualifies for Medicaid. All my treatments there cost the same as it would with an MD. The "clinicians" that spoke to me are actually Health Care Secretaries, with no formal education or degree outside a high schoold diploma.




  1. Now you have a NEW issue???!!

    If you make "to much money" you will pay the what is usual and customary depending on your state and city. So yes it will be close to the same like a private doctor. If you are low income you qualify for discount services. So you pay based on your income. I do not qualify for medicaid and make "to much" according to my income however because my insurance does  not cover birth control I qualify.

    a 30 second glance or a 15 min glance is worth the same. Other things that go into consideration are the amount of documentation and thought process. That is what will distinguish the level of visit. The Health care Secretary. is just that a receptionist. With a few years of experience and guidance they may become a "clinician". To automatically become a "clinician" it takes a HS diploma and 6-9 months of "school" training.

  2. To many people that $10 is a huge difference. Planned parenthood is a place where people that might not have access to those treatments can go.  It's where young girls can go to get birth control without their parents knowing.  It's a place where someone can get an STD test without questions. There are so many things that it offers. The birth control they have is in bulk to them so it's cheaper than a pharmacy.

    As someone who has worked in the medical field, when you come in with a specific problem like warts, there is no need to perform most of the exams that are on the general form.  That form is used for everything.  

    My personal experience with planned parenthood was that it was a lot cheaper than my regular doctor who would have wanted me to have a full physical and I didn't have insurance.  I saw a LNP who reports directly to a doctor and can legally write prescriptions (4 year degree and some).  She was able to answer a few difficult questions that I had (I had done some serious research before going in).  She wrote a prescription and I was able to fill it there for a much better price.

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