
Why Does Sarah Palin Think Women Are Stupid?

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Sarah Palin thinks that just because she's a female, women voters will flood in to vote for her. Isn't this stupid wishful thinking?

She thinks women are a bunch of emotional people who don't vote with their brains and just vote for someone who doesn't have a p***s. As if you can transfer the dress (pant-suit) from Hillary and put it on someone else.

Doesn't Sarah Palin tick you off?




  1. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    but she doesn't call'm sweetie like Obama

  2. Sarah doesn't think this.   She admitted that she hasnt follow the war and she really doesn't know what the vice president does not to mention she called Hillary a whiner.

    This is all the old white haired wrinkly old man idea.   Pawtenty and Mitt are pissed. They feel as if they were used.  

  3. She doesn't! This is just a liberal story.

    In fact, Palin heavily praised Hillary, women and mothers in her acceptance speech!


  4. Is this really the best you can do?  You are so scared because of the fact that the Republican #2 has more experience than the Dem #1.

  5. She doesnt tick me off. Women dont vote as a hole or anything, but if your woman, and you see a qualified woman, well why not.

    I wouldn't Vote for Hillary, she is a typical politician, lawyer, and tried to credit for her Husbands work. She had a democratic controlled congress, and never even brought her plan to the floor.

    Why would I trust her?

    Hillary has a record of not making Change. Sarah has a record of winning, to make change, and then completes what she sets out to do.

  6. I think she is exactly what women are looking for in a candidate to back. She is the perfect choice for McCain. Hillary was getting the women's vote because she is a woman. Palin will get the vote, because she is the perfect person for the job. Great choice, McCain!

    Ewww. Do you really think it makes a difference whether or not you have a p***s? Isn't that what got Clinton into so much trouble?

  7. They just don't get it.  It's an insult to our intelligence.  They are way out of touch with those they seek to reach out to.  Obama is trying to unite this country in common causes.  These people show their hatred for anyone who isn't as narrow minded as them.

    In doing this, they demonstrate their flawed way of thinking and arrogance.

  8. That anger shouldn't be directed at her, it should be directed at the Rove acolytes and McCain for the transparently pandering choice they made.  Republicans are always quick to decry quotas, but are always eager to use people like quotas ("Lookee here, I got a woman!  And a black man!")

    Anyone with as thin a resume as hers would be thrilled to be picked for a position that far above her "pay grade."  You can't really blame her for accepting.  Think of her as Dan Quayle in drag.

  9. You do realize there are millions of women who agree with Palin's pro-life postion and are now estatic the she has been offere d the role as VP.

    Democrats only think about themselves

  10. No, I think she will be great for America.  And has proven it in her state

  11. No, she doesn't.

    John McCain ticks me off.

  12. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you.  It is nice to know that a few people recognize the idiocy of such thinking, and the insult to the intelligence of women everywhere.

  13. This is EXACTLY what she wanted,the acceptance speech she didnt write btw, clearly praised hillary but she also said that the movement hillary made can be continued with Palin she said it in the speech if thats not trying to nab her supporters I dont know what is she literaly said it, its the only reason she was even picked no one can argee that she has any actual relevent experience yeah she has executive experience so what? can she meet with chavez? can she meet with putin? can she lead our nation if JM dies, h**l NO

  14. NO thats not at all what  she thinks and no shes not.

  15. I don't Palin thinks any such thing. I believe McCain chose her because she is a true conservative, the only one on the Presidential ballot this year.

    I'm sure Palin doesn't really care what others think of her. She is her own person, she'll let you know that, and let you deal with it in your own way. What a refreshing approach from a politician.

  16. I think you are simply trying to rile up females, why would Palin tick them off, shes a smart, tough, take not c**p lady.

  17. it takes one to know one.

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