
Why Does This Happen..?

by  |  earlier

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Now and then this weird thing always happens to me, i sort of stand up and my head starts pounding, i go very dizzy and it feels like somthings coming inside my body then just drifting out agen within like 5 seconds and i have to take deap breaths then it just suddenly goes what could this be?




  1. You either got up too fast and your body was in relax mode... a headrush. If this is a frequent occurrence it can be attributed to low blood pressure.

    Or you can be experiencing low blood Sugar and you need to eat or drink something with sugar, next time try that and see if it helps.

    either way it shouldn't be anything to worry about unless you faint, your limbs go numb, or you start getting severe headaches.

  2. see a doctor

  3. I get this too, especially after the shower and I've fainted a few times.  I advise you sit down and just try and take deep breaths like you say you do.  Good luck

  4. you got up to quickly thats all

  5. headrush?

  6. This sounds very similar to what my Dad was experiencing, and he was diagnosed with low blood pressure!!

  7. sounds mostly like a bad case of vertigo, if you are worried talk to a doctor

  8. It could be nothing at all to worry about, but go and see your Doctor about it, if it is nothing he will tell you so.but if you have got a problem then he can get put right before it gets serious.

  9. yep i know wat this is! you most probably have low blood pressure. go to ur docs and you will get a blood test.

    low blood pressure isnt very serious, you will usually just get iron vitamin tablets.

    good luck!


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