
Why Does it matter? Is that your only excuse?

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Don't get me wrong. I fully respect Cena haters, but only those who show respect back. Why are the obnoxious Cena haters always so ******* annoying? You rant on about the fact that you hate because kids like him. Big ******* wow. It doesn't matter if a 10 year old likes him. That doesn't mean you can't. Or he has five moves. WWE makes that a gimmick. Sure, I wish he'd start rapping again, but come on. I'm talking to the annoying haters who always spam their answers with 'CENA SUCKS HE CANT WRESTLE' (it's always in caps btw). They need to learn that saying that won't change people's opinion. Everyone is entitled to say what they want and I know that, but stop being so annoying. Make a club and don't come out of it.

WQ: Who will win at Summerslam: CM Punk vs JBL




  1. i like the way you think. cm punk :)

  2. once again cena's ONLY fans are little kids. little girl, you will not change my or others FACT about how JOHN CENA SUCKS!!!

  3. Punk because he is way more athletic than JBL. and punk can tire him out easily

  4. hahahhaha, well i think nobody will win...........................!

  5. I answered another question like this a minute ago and this is what i said...

    everyone knocks John cena, and everyone rips into him for what? the guy goes out every night and gives it his best for us(the fans) and a lot of people rip into him, why? whats cena ever done? its not his fault that he has held the belt for so long? does he write the shows? does he write the paper views? NO HE DOES NOT, so guys no more hating cena, just show him the respect he deserves.

    WQ - CM Punk

  6. its more the fact that is wrestling skills are so basic lower mid card level at best and u got people like Regal, D lo and the list goes on who can wrestle so much better than him im not a cena hater but i can understand why people do hate him  we are done with the hogan era and please vince he will never be more popular than austin..

  7. I say people are just mad because they know they are not going to be an good wrestler as good as John Cena is.

    WQ: CM Punk

  8. Most of the people your are talking about are trolls or users that don't contribute c**p to this section, other than insulting other users and bashing their least favorite wrestlers (usually the face ones) Real wrestling fans and knowledgeable users know that Cena can wrestle and his move set has been watered down. In fact a lot of wrestlers moves sets are limited when they are in the WWE, take CM Punk for example, in the indies he had a lot more moves in his arsenal, but in the WWE he only does 5 or 6 moves. Just ignore these people they have nothing better to do.

    WQ: Hopefully CM Punk


  9. Idk...They're Jealous!! Lol

    WQ- Cm Punk

  10. I'M A CENA FAN!!!!

    i have NEVER been a cena hater nor will i ever be one!!!!

    and i agree with u!!!

    people have different opinions!!!!

    but i am a person who talks about how much i love him and some of the other wrestlers. (i am obsessed)

    anyway......WQ:CM Punk definately!!!!!!!

  11. Cena hater's are hatin on his gimmick which is totally uncalled for because that's not the person he is outside the ring (even though he is alot like that) and alot of people will say "oh he has five move's" well that again is wwe's big mistake not john cena's if you want to hate on someone go hate on creative writer's for wwe because they give john cena 5 move's and made him have the belt for so long not him.

    WQ: Cm punk because there trying to build him up as a champion and there going to have him beat wrestler's who been champion's before "sort of to prove himself" but jbl is past his prime so he's really not a good choice as champ any way.

  12. Cena rocks.

    WQ: JBL

  13. CENA Owns! Haha prob because all they people that don't like him are Cody Rhodes fans! hahahahahahahaha and they know Cena can whooop his butt lol

    I Hope JBL!

  14. I totally agree with you and wish I would have asked my question the same you did I asked a very similar question just before you, personally I don't care one way or the other but it does get rather f'n annoying to read the same thing over and over again.  

    WQ - CM Punk there setting him up to fued with the winner of the Batista vs John Cena.

  15. If you say everyone is entitled to their opinion, then why do you complaint about them expressing it.

    Bottom line...Cena sucks

    Don't like it, start your own I Love Cena Club and let people state their mind.

  16. Who cares what people think of Cena?  I'm not a Cena fan by any means, but I'm not a Cena hater, either.  He plays his part in WWE and that's about all a wrestling fan can ask for.  I don't care if people hate Cena.  Personally, I'm a fan of MVP, Kennedy, Randy Orton, and Edge, so I'm used to the haters.  Congratulations on being a Cena fan, but don't mouth off to the haters for voicing their opinions of him too.

    BTW, ironically, this is exactly what WWE wants with Cena's character...a ton of controversy.

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