
Why Don't I Laugh That Much Anymore?

by  |  earlier

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2 years ago, I used to laugh at everything non stop. My teachers always got mad, so I had to stop. I did stop my laughing at every minute, but I laughed kinda a lot. Now, I hardly laugh anymore. I don't laugh at my fave shows, or at jokes. Maybe a giggle. I only have laugh attacks at things that are not funny, and only sometimes. I think things are funny, then I smile, but a laugh just doesn't come out!! Why?

I love to laugh but I just don't anymore!!




  1. you blew a funny fuse, like cartman

  2. You're probably depressed or stress or you're being fake and not acting like the person you want to be. :)

  3. i have the same problem,  i think its because we live in a depressing time.  Try watching some old Simpsons episodes, thats what cured me

  4. Are you depressed or stressed? that could have a lot to do with it, your teachers shouldn't have any control over your laughter unless you're disturbing the entire class so don't let them keep you from having fun and laughing that's a good thing just try not to disturb class!

  5. Maybe this will work.    Ca Ca.

  6. maybe cuz nothings worth laughing at =)

  7. because youre not immature anymore.

  8. puberty

  9. well lol...i LAUGH WAY TOOO MUCH  SERIOUSLY I  LAUGH WAY TOO MUCH i am in 3rd place for the TOP LEADERBOARD FOR JOKES/RIDDLES LMAO....Oh about the question...just try to laugh go hang out with ur friends...or listen to some of my jokes...

    HAVE Some Fun in life....

  10. This will help:

    Glad I could help.  

  11. Maybe you've lost your sense of humour, if you care to hang on, I've got a spare one somewhere...!

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