
Why Don't Mac's Get Viruses?

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I went to my mates place and we went on his comp and i asked how long he's had it for, he said a couple of years and He's never got a virus, he says that its a Mac and that it has the BEST anti-virus software and never gets viruses.

But when i went to a computer shop i asked if i should get a Mac because of the anti-virus software and he said that it doesn't have necessarily the ''BEST'' anti-virus software but that no one makes viruses for Macs because the majority of people have Microsoft comps and are easier to make viruses for them because the Microsoft and Mac are different.

Who's Right Or Is There Another Reason!!??




  1. Mac don't have any good anti-virus software because it hardly have any virus.

    The current ratio of PC to Mac viruses is


    First, since Mac OS version X, Mac have use Unix system, which have better security than WIndows.

    Second, less people use Mac, so virus writers are not interested.

    Third, Mac hardware use to be very expensive. So less users.

    Fourth, there are less games &  applications for Mac. So again less users.

    Fifth, most offices use Windows and sometime people bring their work home. So less people use Mac.

    Windows have many features that make it easy to spread viruses.

    1) The autorun.inf feature make it easy to infect a PC by plugging in a USB drive or connect to a share network drive.

    2) The windows registry make it easier to auto launch viruses without the need for people to click on the infected file.

    3) The Windows scripting host also make it easier to spread viruses.

    4) The remote desktop / adminstration / registry changes also allow viruses to spread easily.

    5) The firewall only provide limited protection against viruses.

    6) The file system doesn't have strong security and make it easier for virus to change system files.

    7) There are many quality software development tools availiable for virus writers.

    8) There are many people using Windows to buy stuff on-line. Trojan & spyware can be use to steal credit card informations. Since Windows have more users means more $$$ to steal.

  2. people who make viruses are tools. what they want to do is effect the most people as possible, because most people use windows they get more victims on windows computers, so they make their viruses for windows. mac is a different operating system so they can't contract windows viruses

  3. I believe that its because the majority of computer users are using Windows.  Better targets for Viruses.

    Mac is more workplace oriented for graphic design, and such.  

  4. Microsoft Windows was insecure by design making it easier to write viruses for it. In the beginning people didn't target Mac OS cause it was used by less people but then Mac OS X came out, it was based on Unix and took all the best security features from it.

    As long as u use Windows Vista and have user account control enabled its impossible for u to get a virus unless u allow it to.

  5. well the second is sort of right. the first is just completely wrong. there are a few viruses for os x but because of the nature of the operating system and the relatively small size of the market share, there are many fewer viruses for it.

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