
Why Doni needs a rest even when other palyers like Reyna & Gambir palyed same amount of games?

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Why Doni needs a rest even when other palyers like Reyna & Gambir palyed same amount of games?




  1. yes, because Raina & Gambhir is in good form & i think it will be better to give a chance to Dinesh Karthik as a wicket - keeper.

  2. Each player player is different and they also play different position. Dhoni besides being a wicket-keeper, he is the captain and that's a demanding position. If a player says that he needs rest then you must give him rest. By not playing he is losing money as well so you have to trust him.

  3. because he want to attend some adds.......................

  4. BCCI does what Dhoni says.

    He has been on the field as Wicket Keeper for more number of hours. More than 350 hours.

  5. While Raina and Gambhir have not been playing test cricket, Dhoni has been playing non-stop cricket for a LONG time now.  He has been playing without a rest right since the world cup.

  6. raina and gambhir both play less than Dhoni;. u think he get rest becuz of asia cup but its not a case. it becuz of past international burden

  7. It is all depends upon the mentality of any person. He felt that he want rest for team spirit insted of sitting idle in the dressing room.

  8. he is playing non stop for last 18 months

  9. Bcz he doesn't want to get embarrased in from the KINGS of their continent so he's making an excuse to be saved from the hammering rest of his poor team is going to get on our hands. in a way he has bowed his head in front of LIONS OF ASIAN LAND

    qUESTIONER, if you are indian then why can't u write correct spellings of your captain's name. It is not Doni, its "Dhoni"

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