
Why Enstien is called the greatest scientist in the world?

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Why Enstien is called the greatest scientist in the world?




  1. i dunno, but they preserved his brain

  2. The theories developped by Einstein made him a very great scientist because they are theory that are making a break in science. This is a bit like Darwin theory.

    In addition Einstein did not develop one single theory but many which are all united together and are very elegant because of their coherence.

    In the theory of special relativity, he established that the speed of light is constant. From that he derived that the notion of time is variable and the faster we move, the slower the time will be. It is a generalization of the principle of Galileo relativity. From this theory, another consequence is that energy and matter are equivalent, thus e=mc2 and all that stuff...

    But it is not only where Einstein ended. There was a gap between Newton's gravitation laws and the special relativity. Einstein discovered the general relativity theory which unites both. In this theory, Einstein is describing space, time, mass and gravitation, gravitation being a property of space and time induced by mass (thus energy if we follow the special relativity). It is beautiful, it is elegant, it is coherent, it is a breakthrough...

    In addition, he invented and contributed to a LOT of things in physics. He even contributed to the invention of a fridge without moving part i.e. without compressor. It was cheap, reliable, it does not use CFC and it is noiseless. It does not use electricity, just a source of heat, gas for example. The patent was quickly bought by Electrolux to protect their interests. Since, it is sleeping in dust.

  3. In the year 1905 Einstein published five papers that essentially started modern physics.  He not only is famous for his work in relativity, but he also published fundamental papers on quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.  I'd say there has been no one comparable to him since Isaac Newton.

  4. Do you not know all the things he did?

  5. Einstein is great because of his discoveries, eg. the famous E=MC2, he found that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter, that is what that means.

  6. He proved that energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.

  7. I believe it was because of his breakthrough with the theory E=MC2. And also because he was slightly autistic.

  8. He had really cool hair and he looked really smart

  9. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) German physicist and discoverer of the theory of relativity. Born in Ulm, Einstein received his scientific education in Zurich. After an undistinguished career as a student he found employment in the Patent Office in Bern, and it was from here that in 1905 he published the papers that laid the foundation of his reputation, on the photoelectric effect, on Brownian motion, and on the special theory of relativity. In 1916 he published the general theory. In 1933 Einstein accepted the position at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies which he occupied for the rest of his life. Einstein maintained profound philosophical interests, and frequently emphasized the importance to his work of the philosophical thought of his predecessors, especially Hume and Mach. In his later years his reflections on the nature of the world as it is described by quantum mechanics occasioned prolonged discussion with the Danish physicist Neils Bohr. Einstein's conviction that quantum mechanics could not possibly be the last word about the nature of physical reality was frequently felt to be conservative, but the project that occupied him, the search for a field theory that would unify the four fundamental physical forces, has recently sprung back into prominence. Einstein's belief that fundamental physics should concern the ‘marble’ of space, time, and geometry, rather than the ‘wood’ of arbitrary proliferations of particles, is again congenial to many physicists.It's the World Year of Physics, in recognition of Albert Einstein's "miraculous" year, when he turned the world of physics upside-down with his three revolutionary papers. Einstein, born on this date in 1879, proposed his theory of light, showing that light behaves as a particle as well as a wave; his theory of relativity, showing that measurements of time and space are not absolute; and his theory of Brownian motion, explaining the existence of atoms and molecules.

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