
Why Exactly Was Saddan Hussein Executed?

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This might sound ridiculous but I do not know the specific answer...

Why was Saddam Hussein executed?

Who authorized the execution?




  1. OH my GODS

    I can't believe you are putting this up???!!! Have you not been alive?

    Wow, I weep for the future

  2. Saddam Hussein was charged with 6 different cases. All involve murdering & torturing. Once he was found guilty in the 1st crime he was executed. This case is the murdering of more than 240 civilian villagers with out a trail.

    This incident had taken place in the year 1982 in the village of Dujail, which is mainly inhabited by Shiites. Saddam Hussein had visited that village & someone attempted to assassinate him. Instead of investigating the case & finding who had really did it, the paranoid Saddam Hussein murdered all suspect with their families & friends for 2 reasons:

    1- To terrorize the rest of Iraqis, so no one dares to challenge him

    2- To prevent any chance for anyone to take revenge. This is why he murdered families & friends of suspects

    The new Iraqi authority had ordered his trail & execution.


    By the way: I am a victim of Hussein. He had murdered 3 of my relatives, one of whom was a handicapped. But I’m not an Iraqi.

  3. The Trial of Saddam Hussein, was the trial of the deposed President of Iraq by the Iraqi Interim Government for crimes against humanity.

    The Coalition Provisional Authority voted to create the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST), consisting of five Iraqi judges, on 9 December 2003, to try Saddam Hussein and his aides for charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

    On 5 November 2006, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging, for the killing of 148 Shiites from Dujail, in retaliation for the assassination attempt of 8 July 1982

  4. Effectively, because he lost a war and the Americans, who were pulling, and continue, to pull the strings of the Iraqi Government wanted him dead. De jure because he was found guilty of crimes against humanity.

  5. He ran a corrupt government and authorized torture, jailings, beatings, and persecution of the Kurds and Shite Muslims. He gassed the Kurds back in 1988 and killed many Shites after they revolted in 1991 after the 1st war of Desert Storm. He was a really bad and evil person.

    The interim government authorized the execution and Saddam was hung on New years Eve 2007.

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