
Why France is the only one against Turkey entrance to the EU?

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Why France is the only one against Turkey entrance to the EU?




  1. As the matter of fact, they're right in my opinion ! Turkey is neither geographically, nor culturally part of Europe...Until they decide if they wanted clerical government or democratic one, they have better stayed out of EU !

  2. It not the French against Turkey joining the EU. It the Germans they have three millions living there so far. Other countries don't want Turkey to join, i.e Denmark for one if some remember the cartoon about Muhammad in Danish newspaper. Well the Turks burnt down EU offices etc. Turkey has bad human rights records etc.

  3. If you have ever been to Turkey you would find out why I don't want them in.   O and by the way it is in Europe Istanbul is seperated from Asia by the Bosporus

  4. The Brits don't want them either. Just Tony Blair, and he has no  say in the matter anymore.

  5. France is not the only country which doesn't want Turkey in the EU. I think the main country resisting its entrance is Greece because of all the history between the two countries.

    I believe that it shouldn't be a member of the EU, the Americans want Turkey to join the EU for economical and political reasons. Why do they have to interfere to every matter, especially when it doesn't concern them?

  6. I guess you can also count the Vatican in that group.

  7. France thinks Turkey will turn into an Islamic Republic.  So what?

  8. not only France, Ukraine too :-P

    We know what they are and because of this don't want them to spoil European community. Don't look at those of them who arrive in Europe - these are the smartest of the others and can be accepted, but look at those who is outside the Istanbul, somewhere in province... They can be hardly called human beings, not mentioning the Europeans title! Turkey is not European country just because they do progress in economy, they have to have relevant mentality to be a member of the union... Unfortunately they don't! My point is that Ukraine (Western Part), which was long enough under Austrian-Hungary influence to become European, deserves to enter the EU first!

  9. I think the government should never have opened the borders in the first place.  the uk has become a joke, there are hardly any british people left in this country.

  10. I don't think you're right. Many people fear that letting Turkey into the EU will undermine the European way of life, but political correctness in Europe has reached the point where people no longer feel it is acceptable so speak out against anything.

  11. Turkey is not in Europe. Plus it has a bad human rights record

  12. France is not the only one against turkey in EU....all the countries are and should be against it.. if turkey enters in the EU then the 60% will be turks..can you imagine Europe, the most civilized and rich association in the world be mostly ruled by turkey?? all the members of the EU are smart and i don't think they will let turkey in.....c'mon.....!

  13. They torture people! no sanitary standards, is the toilet of the planet.

  14. I think you will also find some deep seated animosity from Greece too!

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