
Why Ginduras got no ears and Bean got big ears?

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Why Ginduras got no ears and Bean got big ears?




  1. Bean and Ginduras got into a fight. Bean pulled out Gindy's ears but Gindy just stretched Bean's.

  2. One is tebal telinga, the other telinga kuali.

  3. because one of them is from uranus, and the other is from ..uranus too..but different exit door...

  4. To balance Yin and yang. If Bean's ears are really large, someone somewhere has to compensate with a lack of ears. And that person just happens to be Ginduras. It's to maintain the balance of the universe... or Crab Country (whichever you like)

  5. Poor old Gindy lost both ears during the infamous and bitter crab farm wars some years back, a Samurai sword was used I do believe.

    As for my ears, well, sometimes I get a call from Heathrow Airport (Ulu Kapit) when their computers are on the blink and ask me if I could pop over there and act as a human radar..

  6. no ears gindy - of course la u cannot see his ears... the ears also are as bald as the head what....

    big ears bean - better coverage to hear from uk to msia.

  7. Bean developed ears to get it pierced ,, so that people can see,

    Gindarus already got his belly pierced (for crabs eyes only)

    therefore he doesnt need ears,,

  8. im too retarded to answer this


    eh? uranus? no wonder smell like h**l...

  9. ginduras be more hot after got no ears and bean more hot after got big ears

  10. i stole gindy ears for my crab! and bean got big ears because took overdose vitamin!~

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