
Why Global warming increased after 2nd world war is it due to cutting down tree to build industries?

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Some more suggestions to reduce global warming

Grow your own vegetables.

Use less electricity. Cut down on electrical appliances, especially clothes dryers, dishwashers, and heaters, and switch off your a/c more frequently, or run it at a higher room temperature.

Work from home whenever you get the opportunity.

Cut down on car usage, only using it for essential journeys. Use a bicycle.

Can we restore the huge trees that we cut down to build our house ??? .

Do you know that 1 single Tree can reduce temperature upto 5 Degree of surroundings .

1 Tree is equivalant to 10 Air Conditioners.

After Heavy Rains 1 Tree can store enough rain Water to reduce Floods in 1 Acre of land .

You can just Plant One tree to reduce global warming . If each one of 6 Billion population on earth plant 1 tree a year and take care of the growth of the tree then there would be 6 Billion tree in 1 year .

This will reduce Global warming in just One year time.




  1. The world actually cooled after WWII and did not warm up until after mister peanut was president.

  2. try to take a bus whenever possible and turn off lights

  3. i will make it even easier, global warming is a hoax and a good way for green companies to make money, it lets the goverment have more control over the companies in america by throwing down stupid rules and regulations on products like cars. the facts you have on the trees is kinda true, i was a do logging for one of my jobs. Heck the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) even says that global warming is not fact.

  4. Install solar shingles on all the houses so we won't have to use coal power generation stations.

  5. Global warming didn't increase after WWII, temperatures dropped from 1940 to 1977. It was caused by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in its cool phase.



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