
Why God must save the Queen?? Can't it the army??

by Guest65559  |  earlier

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Why God must save the Queen?? Can't it the army??





  2. God is omnipotent, the army decidedly less so.

  3. God protect the Queen and therefore her subjects.

  4. the queen is the head of the church of england she has faith

  5. you may not know but the Queen/King of England is the head of the Church of England.In previous times they were believed to be Gods representitive.(like the Pope is to the Catholics)They may still believe this.we dont.but when they are crowned they still have a secret ceremony thats makes them that.

  6. This is not the proper place to post this.

    Remove it please.

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  7. The army is too busy protecting the interests of oil companies in the Middle East. Which means, that as there is is no god, the queen's stuffed.

  8. Go back to grammar school, mate.

  9. mmmm ok

  10. God saves our gracious Queen by using the tool of our army.

    But, from the evil designs of republicans God must save our gracious Queen directly.

    Good question

  11. Actually, it is a Calvinist prayer, part of the Book of  Common Prayer used in England and most Anglican countries (including the USA's Episcopalian Church), as the Church of England is a combination of the Roman Catholic Church and Calvinism.  Its lyrics ask God to accept the Queen in Heaven.  "Saving" is to be interpreted as saving from eternal damnation.

  12. Because she's so gracious of course...

  13. I'm not bothered about her being saved at all.

  14. Better to learn the Queens English first before trying to ask questions here dude?

  15. sorry dont understand the question - take some more lessons?

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