
Why Greeks and Bulgarians don't recognize the Macedonian language?

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'Macedonian' is the official language in the Republic of Macedonia. Why Greeks and Bulgarians don't recognize the Macedonian language?




  1. Panagiotis (your name reveals greek origin) we support that what you call "Macedonian" is a Bulgarian dialect. The citizens of FYROM that nowadays are self-determined as "Macedonians" until 1944 were just Bulgarians and supported all the eastern Bulgarians in their conflicts. When Communist Yugoslavian leader Tito took over, he tried to create a new ethnicity (by brain-washing western Bulgarians) to protect southern Yugoslavia from Bulgarians and to claim later Greek Macedonia as Yugoslavian. There are also bilingual people living in northern Greece, using in every-day life that dialect(they call it dopia), and who determine themselves as Greeks (it was a religious and political matter in early 20th century that divided them ethnically from the same dialect-speaking Bulgarians). For all those historical and political reasons, we don't and won't regognise such language with that name.

  2. 'Not recognizing a foreign language' is different than not being able to read, write or speak a foreign language.

    While it is perfectly normal not to master all the foreign languages in this world, if a person claims he or she cannot recognize that a language is foreign, especially when written in a different alphabet, then it may be an indication of certain serious perceptive or cognitive problems. For example, not being able to tell apart *writings* in a foreign language from writings in one's own primary tongue, may indicate a condition named dyslexia (inability to discern graphic shapes or ideograms), or otherwise may indicate impaired vision. On the other hand, not being able to recognize a *spoken* foreign language could imply impaired hearing. In both cases, the underlying problems may be even more serious, such as for example autism, learning difficulties, or information processing deficits such as auditory and visual processing disorders, etc.

  3. Greek position:As long there is no "Macedonia" relation to FYROM ,their language cannot be named as Macedonian

    Bulgarian position:s don't recognise it,simply because FYROM's language is just a Bulgarian dialect with some elements from Serbian....

    (classification:The closest relative  is Bulgarian,with which it is mutually intelligible. )

  4. Macedonia is in Greece. FYROM hijacked the name.

  5. Because the fyrom has stolen history and ethnic traditions from both Greece and Bulgaria and calls it her own.  The truth is they are excommunist Bulagrian revolutionaries and descendants of war criminals who are denying their roots but are search for some false identity... it is a pathetic attempt to cover up their true tainted past.


    Laoplanos (which in Greek means "He who fools the people") , Greece recocgnized as per you documentation a "Slavic speaking minority and all petitions and documents signed were in Serbian"  so you do confirm that you are Serbian Slavs.... it is about time you confessed your true nature

    Macedonia is Greek 4ever

    and fyrom is fyrom 4ever (Serbian-Bulgarian excommunist mixed breeds)

  6. Who cares???

    Panagiotis you need someone else to tell you that you are human being, that you are alive? I don't think soo...:)

    So why do I need some Bulgarian or Greek, to tell me what I am or to recognize my language, culture, history....?

    What factor are Greece and Bulgaria!??

    They are our neighbours, end of story!

    We don't need their recognition or opinion!

    Greetings from Macedonia!

  7. Many Greek students have studied at Skopje University (St. Cyril and Method's, I guess) in the 1970-80s on that language. Their diplomas are properly valid.

    Also, our merchants use that language to promote their goods to your tourists.

    So, st it recognized somehow ?

  8. wtf is macedonian? i have never hear of that in my life.. im a brit and i dont understand that so how can u expect greeks and bulgarians too? xxxx

  9. Long live MACEDONIA!

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