
Why Has The Chinese Govt Planted Trolls On Yahoo To Lie About Tibet??

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When anyone tries to ask a question aboutChina's criminal invasion of Tibet and the wholesale slaughter of Tibetans, the theft of their land and their exclusion from education and medical services it is inundated with large numbers of Chinese people telling us all that Tibetans are giving Red Guard soldiers flowers in the street, so grateful are they to have been "civilised" by the invasion. (sorry - friendly visit)

Did they come out of the official olympics budget??





  1. Same reason Republicans put kids here to spin their party for minimum wage 24/7

  2. d**n Chinese commies  are scum of the earth.  Yahoo deliberately blocks questions about the mass atrocities those cretins have done in the past and the abuses of human rights they do in the present, I know, I post questions, HONEST questions as I don't know that much about Chinese history, but they don't get published.

  3. I don't know...why did they fake the fireworks?  Why did they have a little girl lip sync?  Why should I care about your idiot conspiracy theories?

  4. Tibet is part of China. Chinese Gymnasts are not 8 years old!

  5. Where? I haven't seen any. I saw 1, quite a while back when the troubles brewed up again, and I responded to it with the truth. I haven't seen another. Do you honestly think China cares what we say on YA, though I suppose nothing should surprise me on this thing anymore. I can't imagine anyone would believe such nonsense.

  6. How could you steal something that already belonged to you?

    It's just like trying to steal California, it belonged to you in the first place.

  7. Sounds like a stretch toward the paranoid to me; but I guess anything is possible.

  8. No, like Americans they are just that stupid. They work for a government that beats them down.

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