
Why Has our leadership abandoned us as a nation ,?

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Why Has our leadership abandoned us as a nation ,?




  1. I think our leaders are doing a great job.

  2. first, there is NO leadership left in Washington D.C.

    The only possible truthful and intelligent, capable and experienced person who could have given us leadership was completely and utterly character assassinated and destroyed by the Obama machine and their billionaires who bought him the campaign primary elections.

    I see no hope for the future as the two people who are "presumptive" nominees will only further destroy what little fabric is left of this nation.

    The only hope is to mount a write in campaign for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  3. I would have to agree.  It seems that they are only interested in making money for themselves and all of their closet friends.

  4. The all mighty dollar.

  5. Greed and power.  Also, no respect for the common citizen.  Bush thinks he is a blueblood who deserves to run the country and anything he does is blessed by God.  Ever see him talk about the "have nots?"  He is a crazy elitist who plays this awshucks cowboy to get the brainwashed and stupid to go along with his scams.  He is a flim flam man on a global scale.

  6. N.W.O

  7. I don't think he knows.

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