
Why Hasn't Anyone Interviewed The Communities Obama Organized?

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Or did he?




  1. you would have to disguise yourself as one of them, as to not get lynched

  2. npr did a story  a month or two ago...mostly what he organized was votes for his state senate bid... these are neighborhoods that were exploited by rezko and obama's other contractor friends. when he got to springfield, he funneled a lot of money to his pals to 'renovate' low income housing...guess what? the housing never got renovated, but obama got HUGE campaign contributions.  the lives of those in his old district are worse than before he 'organized' them further into despair...the sad part is, they'll probably ALL vote for him...and are probably donating to him out of their welfare checks

    of course, npr aired the story on a weekend afternoon when most people were at the beach or at a ball game...the radio equivalent of the bottom of page 7

  3. You go do it. If you care so much.

  4. no body cares.

  5. He left his district more corrupt, crime-filled, and poorer when by the time he left, with substandard housing he had built by private contractors and developers like Rezko.  


    He worked for ACORN, which was found guilty of regstering tens of thousands of nonexistent voters, so it's nothign to brag about.

  6. CNN did.  Obama revealed it was on a couple of days ago.

  7. Too dangerous.

  8. Chicago's South Side? Highly Unrecommended---Unless you tote an Uzi.

  9. cause no one cares

  10. too scary there.  

  11. Reporters have been sent, still looking for the communities.  None were found in Chicago.

  12. i bet you, if someone goes to investigate or verify this, BHO will stop talking about it for fear of being caught untrue.

  13. Big Fraud.  Community Organizing is just a Chicago Democratic machine method of buying votes and wasting tax dollars.

  14. Ummm, they kind of did in a couple of the lead-ups to a few of the primaries.  But it wasn't really thrilling stuff, just people saying how he helped out with this or that and made things better this way and that way,

  15. Too scared to go to the southside of Chicago, and who can blame them.

  16. Good question... I wonder just how much he actually accomplished?

  17. because theres nothing to tell...he didnt do a d**n thing!

  18. Brilliant question.  I definitely think this should be up for a debate since he is the one who keeps mouthing off about it.

  19. I think they have, but the mainstream media is controlled by the far left loons and the reporting is almost always slanted in Obama's favor.  Their every action is geared toward campaigning for Obama.  It's funny that despite the blatant media bias Obama and McCain are still pretty close in the polls. I wonder how close they would be if the media was actually objective, fair, and truthful in their reporting, like they should be.

  20. Actually... they have.

    Again, I did not save the source.  (I can't save everything, otherwise I'd never find anything!)

    The people of the community say that Obama did things like help find tutors for school kids. That kind of thing.

    I'll have to see if I can find the source.  

  21. Hater  

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