
Why Have Children Anyway??

by  |  earlier

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They cost too much money, they keep you up and give you ****. I don't f***ing get it. I'm beginning to think how dumb ppl are to have kids.




  1. wow... i guess you popped out of the womb at the ripe old age of stupidity that you're at.... i feel sorry for your mother...

    actually, i should prolly be more compassionate, because my guess is, you were probably treated very badly by your mom, and she prolly said these things to you, about you, and thats hat you grew up believing.. truthfully, parenthood is not for everyone, and for those who do not want kids, its ok.. they dont have to have them...

    but, for those of us who do have kids, want kids, or are even step parents, they are a blessing.. they could make you tear your hair out, one by one, but in all reality, its worth every second... maybe parenthood is just not for you, and thats ok.. but dont chastize the people who have kids and are happy..

    ya know, when i was in my teems, even till i was 21, i always said i never wanted kids, i think for some of the same reasons you stated, and i like to sleep.... but, as i got a bit older, i started realizing how much a baby would complete my life.. now, i was married, but i was very unhappy, so i knew that iff i had a baby with my husband, it would be very stressful for me.. however, i got out of that marriage.. i now have an absolutely wonderful man, he has 2 kids and they are just wonderful.. yes, they drive me nuts, but they are part of him, and i love them as my own.. we have plans to have our own babies and create a larger family... and it will be beautiful.. our kids will be our lives masterpieces....

    good luck to you

  2. Of course you wouldn't get it, you don't have children. Yes my son does cost money, yes he wakes during the night at times, and yes he does give me a run for my money. But, NO, I wouldn't trade what I have for the world.

    I don't expect someone as narrow minded and immature as you to understand that, though. Grow up.

  3. Because humility is a lesson we all should learn...

    ...and NOTHING will humble you like the love of your child.

  4. Desiring a child is a major biological urge for both men and women. You will feel it more yourself as you get older. Good thing too, otherwise we would become extinct on the planet.

  5. I don't want kids at all. For many, many reasons. I'd rather adopt and save a life if I wanted kids at all. I consider myself population control. I'm about to get my tubes tied, honestly.  

  6. i used to think like that, until i realized if we all thought like that, none of us would be here. Since we are here, I believe the purpose of life is to survive and replicate. Just like a virus!  

  7. Why are u so bitter about people with kids? If u dont want to have any, then don't worry about other people and mind your own business. Sounds to me like you may be a little jealous of moms , if you werent why would you waste your time in a pregnancy blog, shouldnt you be out "having fun" since you don't have any kids. Too bad you mom didn't feel the same way you claim to. Go to a different blog little girl.  

  8. ask the one who HAD you. :|

  9. Because we want to.  Why do you care???

  10. I'm beginning to think of how dumb your question is.  You really have nothing better to do tonight than try to pi$$ off the mothers to be on Y!A?  Go read a book.  One without pictures.

  11. some people or women want children because they want to be a mommy and some can't have babies so yeah idk  

  12. Yeah, like your mom for having you and not teaching you a d**n thing about life or how to appreciate it!

  13. Good question.  Kids can be fun, but I think most people want them for pretty selfish reasons these days.  Here are my top 5 reasons why people have them:

    1. To have something to love/care for

    2. To keep the family bloodline going

    3. To have a playmate for the first child you had

    4. To 'keep' a boyfriend or fling

    ...and reason #5 (drumroll):

    5. Because everyone else is doing it

  14. Because the trade-offs are wonderful!  And, if you've treated them well and raised them right, they'll take care of you when you're old and can't take care of yourself!

  15. well the Bible says to pro-create.

    And if you mother never did you wouldn't be here

  16. Too bad your mother never thought that way.

  17. I think that it is funny how you are so ignorant for hating children and yet you will probably have an unwanted pregnancy.

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