
Why Hillary supporters are so into Obamas pastor??

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What about so many other pastors from other churches molesting childrens??? many churches have gone bankrupt from the law suit from family of victems???is that mean all the people go to or went to those church are rapist??? or molester????if you compare Obama with his pastor, can we compare Hillary with Bill Clinton?? wooooo she is the wife of Bill who had such and such with Monica in white house?? On the job???




  1. um i am not a hilary supporter i like mcain! but when a preacher teaches his followers hate,well then i dont think i will like him or his followers either!

  2. all irrelevant third parties should be left out of the campaign

  3. Hopefully all of those molesting priest will burn in h**l.  Two wrongs don't make a right though.  He should have walked out on that pastor a long time ago.

  4. So you actually expect us to sweep such a telling story under the rug, unbelievable!

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