
Why/How does humidity make the weather feel even warmer than it really is?

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Why/How does humidity make the weather feel even warmer than it really is?




  1. it is the dampnes

  2. OK when their is humidity in the air it makes the weather FEEL more extreme then it may actually be for example if it is 100 Degrees and their is 40% humidity it may feel like its about 90 degrees but with 70% it may feel like its 110 degrees thats because the air is denser due to the presence of moisture a supporting fact to this is that sometimes in Fairbanks Alaska when its -20 degrees you can actually go out in a pair of shorts and a teeshirt and not be cold in fact you might even start sweating... thats because the air is dry so all you feel is the warmth of the sun and not the air temp now if you make the humidity level about 70% you would freez to death if you wernt properly dresses and it might feel like -50 degreese

  3. People rely on the evaporation of sweat from their bodies for cooling.  In a humid atmosphere, the sweat doesn't evaporate as well, so the person won't experience the same cooling effect as in dry air.


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