
Why I Love Weddings How About You?

by Guest44903  |  earlier

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I cannot stand weddings!

I really cannot stand them, because society makes you think you have to be married to be happy, or your "friends" look down on you as the spinster/old maid aunt LOOK.

Here's what I do. I decline each and every one of them.

But as I get older I cannot stand them. THe couples are nice, don't get me wrong but I just cannot stand it as I'm not married.

38 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer.

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I knew since 12, that I would not get married and have been single since. Why can't stupid people who are married get this through their brains?




  1. I like weddings, because it is usually a happy occasion. There is a hope for a great future between two people, and that is good enough for me. I have been married for over 18 years now, and they have been the very best years of my life. Now, I realize that marital bliss is not a favorite recipe for everyone. Some people should never attempt it, because marriage is a hard work and a huge responsibility. Now, you make your own choices and you build your life around them. I personally have no opinion on your marital status, because it is none of my business. So, the reasons for you dispensing a judgment on marriage and people who are brave enough to take a chance at it is beyond me.

  2. You think of it like your married.  Go to weddings to hit on the unmarried women.

  3. I don't know what to say about your "question", but your copy and paste skills are right on point.

  4. First wedding that I ever went to was one of my uncle's.  I was nine years old, I didn't want to go but my d**n mother made me go because Quote, "Your uncle wants you there"  I'm not extremely close with him, but I've learn something about him and that's; if you come...yah, if you don't...oh well!!!  Dude doesn't care that much; and I certainly didn't care too much for that wedding.

  5. You knew since you were 12. I knew since I turned 15. I don't know why those people don't get it but I really really hate it when they say that they feel sorry for me because I don't share my time with anyone. They think that just because they are happy with a partner I should be jealous because I'd want one too. That is so insane. I love being alone. I can do whatever I want, when I want to do it. No one could ever stop me. Weddings are long and boring anyway. I haven't been to one in 12 years and hopefully never again.

    Edit: Absolutely. Nobody says "I do" long term anyway. It's always about lust and s*x or they get married more for the idea of being married than the person they are marrying. If you are a man, marriage doesn't present you with any benefit. In this day and age it's a very good chance you'll end up divorced and taken to the cleaners in court. Better to be single. No doubt about it.

  6. I love the ones with open bars.

  7. I don't like weddings. I think they are personal, between the couple and their closest family and friends. They could just elope. I don't get all the fanfare and gift giving. All it is about is 2 people setting up house. They can do that amongst themselves.

  8. Weddings are cool. I'm going to one this weekend in fact.

  9. I haven't been to any of my first cousins' weddings.

    I've decided that celebrating something that not everyone gets to celebrate is selfish and condescending-like. If a "wedded" couple (or anyone for that matter)  throws a party, one should not feel obligated to come at all.

    If anything, we should celebrate if they last five years.

  10. I disagree. I personally have been happily married for several years and in the UK it seems that every one frowns on you for wanting to get married, like you can't have 'fun' anymore.

    But if you can't stand going to a wedding because you aren't married and you think people that are married are stupid, I think you do have a problem.

  11. Actually, when two people decide to get married, I doubt that irritating you is high on their list of reasons.

    If you don't like weddings. don't have one.

    Cheers :-)

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