
Why I believe in the War, do you agree?

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Well, we haven't had another terrorist attack since Sept 11, 2001. That's pretty d**n good. Other Countries keep experiencing them.

There is much other stuff, but I will discuss the issue of Oil.

Yes, Oil is very important!! And let us remember, oil is not just used to power our cars, without it, our Economy dies, our Military dies, and our political system dies. That is why on Sept 11, 2001 they hit the World Trade Centers (our economy) they hit the Pentagon (our military) and they were about to hit the Capitol or White House (our political system). Oil is power. If we leave the next day, all those soldiers would have died for nothing. Yes, people die and it is expensive, but it's WAR, that is what happens. But terrorist do not wish to negotiate as long as we are friends with Israel.




  1. Well thought out argument and I agree with you.

  2. And that explains why we are in Iraq how, exactly?

    Afghanistan, yes, there is a case.  But the resources and casualties in Iraq are inexcusable, even by your arguments, even if I grant them purely for that purpose.

    And the commitment there has had dire effects on the campaign in Afghanistan.

    Unless you really want to claim it was all about oil, and add to the perception of America as a resource-grabbing imperial power.

    Tony Blair was warned by his own intelligence staff that going into Iraq was at least as likely to create terrorists as to eliminate them.  They were right on that.

  3. I'm in Canada, we have no problem with terrorists?

    Those that give, get!

  4. Totally agree. Canada and Iceland think by keeping their nose clean it will never happen to them. It will.

  5. First of all we are not in  a war. War was never declared. In fact the congress last week voted down a proposal to declare what is going on, as a war.

    Secondly, not one person that was involved in the attack on 9/11 was from Iraq. The majority were from Saudi Arabia who is still considered an ally.  We never attacked Iraq because of 9/11 but because of weapons of mass destruction were suspected to have been there. Bush swore that he had irrefutable proof that these wmd existed even though the head of the UN inspection team denied their existence. Guess what, they never existed. We destroyed a country and over 4000 of our soldiers died over a lie that the American people were told by Bush.

    Now as far as the oil is concerned. Bush stated emphatically that we were not attacking Iraq for their oil. Yet the only companies that have been given the right to apply for production rights in Iraq are western companies. Another Bush lie.

    Iraq never had anything to do with the attacks on our trade center, pentagon nor the attempt on the capital. But Saddam Hussein had insulted Bush senior in the first conflict and according to William Polk who was a member of the "Policy planning council" at the time, stated in his book "Understanding Iraq", the government had made plane for a future invasion of Iraq before the first conflict ended.

    Our political system is not in danger by those on the outside but those we have entrusted to run it.

    As for it stopping terrorism, more of our soldiers have died so far then citizens in the 9/11 attack and the end isn't over yet. Also how many times were we attacked and how many people died before this attack? More people died that year of traffic accidents (80,000) yet no one has attacked a DMV office. More people died from cigarettes yet not one soldier has bombed R.J.Reynolds. We have accomplished a total of nothing in the years we have been in Iraq! Other then do exactly what you say the terrorists wanted. It has destroyed our trust in our government. It has Killed nearly 7000 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and destroyed our economy.  

  6. You got the Israel part right, Vadis.  That alone is the single biggest reason they hate us.  And we are at war and we've killed a lot (but not enough) of these jihad crazed idiots.  Every one we kill today is one less able to kill school children and the elderly tomorrow.

  7. no terrorist attacks since sept. 11... way to go?

    take a look at northern europe and australia. no terrorist attacks, punto.

    Yes, lacking oil, the economy collpases... IF it's oil dependent. the US energy economy is power-guzzling and inefficient, hugely dependent on oil, whereas scandinavian economies would feel a shock from the absence of oil much less, since alternative forms of energy are efficiently implemented. Also, your military might "die" with your economy... but your people are being killed by your political system.

    the fact that it's war doesnt justify the destruction it causes, no political ideology is worth a single drop of blood. And since you do seem to have an interest in economic development... don't you realize that your economyt will be much more stable and productive if you get off the oil and invest the money you spend on killing people on providing quality education, building new infrastrucure, reducing taxation and encouraging business growth and development, to mention just a few?

    srsly, your argument is weak.

  8. Who are "they"? What war are you talking about? The needless deaths of thousands of peoplle in the war in Iraq has nothing to do with Sept 11, 2001.

  9. Not only are your arguments weak but your facts are not true as well. I am not going to go into detail, everyone else has already covered it I think.

  10. Iceland is a country.

    Iceland has no army.

    Iceland has been part of no wars.

    Iceland has had no acts of terrorism.

    There, put that in your 'logic' =D

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