
Why I can't hold deodorant and I have to used it 3 time a day

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Can someone help me with this i'm washing up 3 time a day cause the deodorant don't hold do someone know the solution to this please help




  1. First be very sure that afteryou wash you dry you're armpits very well

    for this reasons ..First the moisture left from the washing if not completely eliminated will help bacteria grow ,,which helps cause odor .

    Secondly applying deodarant directly after a hot shower might cause it dissolve due to the heat in you're armpit caused by the hot water being applied to it .. So after taking a good hot shower rinse you're armptits with cool water to cool the area down.

    Thirdly when you shower use an antibacterial body wash such as Old Spice High Endurance or a simmilar product and scrub very well more so than usual ..

    Fourthly go shirtless as much as you can open you're arms a bit and get more air to you're pits ..

    Fifthly   Try wearing looser clothing if you can

    and sixth ... Try Axe or another body spray ..

  2. driclor is can buy it from the chemist or get it on stops sweating completely to the point where you can stop useing deoderant works after about 7 days but is a little itchy until you get used to it.

  3. really go to your doctor

  4. Next time buy's the strongest OTC deoderant available

    If that doesn't work, go to your doc and request prescription-strength stuff

    Good luck!

  5. try using powdered alum. apply ample amount right after you take a bath. its cheaper yet effective.

  6. Well if you do alot of activity's then find a deodorant that works for that.


  7. try using lynx deodorant if you havn't already, it lasts 24 hours, and is very good.

  8. Try Degree clinical and see how that works for ya or try Mitchum as well..........................

  9. A doctor can prescribe a 'prescription strength' deodorant. Also, are you using a deodorant or a deodorant/antiperspirant combination? A deodorant just masks smell. An antiperspirant works to suppress sweat.

    I know that some companies are selling clinical antiperspirants that work nearly as well as a prescription.  

  10. Use a good quality deodorant.  This will only stop odors - not wetness.  An anit-perspirant supposedly stops wetness.  You can get a combo of both.  I avoid anitifperspirants because they cause your pores to swell & won't let sweaty toxins exit your body.  So, it causes the toxins to back up & creates a whole other set of problems.  If you keep switching from one brand to another trying to conquer your problem, you're spinning your wheels.  Try using Shaklee Cream Deodorant sold in Health Food Stores.  It's pricey, but worth it.  It's very powerful & just a little dab goes a long way - so a jar does last a pretty good while.  First, you need to go without a deodorant for a few days & keep mopping up the smelly toxins that come out so you can get rid of all that junk - then start using a good deodorant.  Good luck.

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